Saturday, March 2, 2013

Were I @

I thought that I had been making less than Regular posting in here lately, but still making them?  I wonder where they went or if I'm crazy?  Well, I know I'm crazy, so maybe that answers that?

Last month I was told that my chemo markers were showing signs of raising, quite a bit, which meant that chemo is active, and up to something.  So we did an other ct scan.   I hate doing scans, you have check into the hospital, and with a chronic condition they know every thing about you from every other visit you ever had to make... YET EVERY TIME YOU ARE TREATED AS A COMPLETE STRANGER AND HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE SAME OLD RED TAP THAT STILL EVEN HAS YOUR NAME FOSSILIZED INTO IT.  I just hate it.

Once I put myself through all that, my doctor didn't get the report on time, my regular blood labs looked much better and had turned about.  So the chemo is working.  It just got a little too disrupted with me going in and out of the hospitals over my CHF this winter.

Well, I'm back and a little disturbed about some of the changes around here to make it more G+ able.  G+ just doesn't seem to be working for my friends, and even Facebook is having trouble holding them.  You know Facebook has become the stupidest and yet most popular place for friends to gather.  Frankly, I liked the Forum Boards better, until spammers got into them.  That what made room for social networking FB, G+, etc. stead, active policing.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wake up, as told not by me!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Political Masturbation

For the 33rd time, Republicans in the House are trying to REPEAL OBAMA CARE.  You read that right, the 33rd time.  First off, it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!  So put your excited dick away.  The insurance companies want this- you as a forced client.  The doctors wants this- you as a forced client.  Pharma wants this- you as a forced client.  The only one that doesn't want this is YOU, who haven't a clue just how expensive all this is without insurance.  Even people with insurance have no clue how expensive this is, once the insurance company takes care of 80% of hospital bill.  And there is the problem.  Getting health care for a few chickens.  To see the average doctor today on a standard OV (10 minute office visit), would be about 90 chickens, not 4 or 5 chickens which is the normal Co-Pay with insurance.

So the Republicans continue to lie to you.  Repeal, repeal, repeal.  Jerk that wiener, jerk it good and hard.  It's not sex, stop counting it as sex.  You have no partner, it's all in your mind.  It's political masturbation, and nothing more.

So why would the Insurance companies want out of a great deal for them?  There is a liberal catch.  They are only allowed to make 15% profit over cost.  Which means millions of Americans today, have overpaid.  This over-payment has to be refunded.  I never expect to see this refund, I'm sure the insurance companies will find a way to block it.  But they are worried, and frankly it's nice to see them squirm for a change.  But they have no intention to have a real REPEAL, even if the Republicans own everything after the next election.

Please stop this perverted theater!  Obamacare is your reality.  Have Medicare or Insurance, and save yourself from a bankruptcy.  EVERYONE sooner or later will need a doctor.  That's why it's required. Stop worshiping at the alter of the Slackers!

Friday, June 8, 2012

No such luck!

"I'm not quite dead yet!" as some of you might wish.  Though Chemo SUCKS!

Here we are in the middle of a Presidential Campaign, and I'm just bored to tears.  I have nothing to say or add, because I'm bored to tears.  Boo hoo, hoo, hoo!  HEY, I heard that cork fly, smart-ass! ;)

This is hard, because all politics (left/right/middle) is just a huge pile of crap right now.  And I'm just not interested in wading into that!

I hear that it's National Cancer Survivors month/day or something?  Which includes those of us who currently suffer (in whatever stage), but haven't lost, yet!    Whoopy!  I think I'll bake a cake?

Google has decided FINALLY, that we need better stats on our blogs, that are easy to get to?  Well.  I see that 3000 of you have visited.  That really can't be true, no way! If that's true, you might have confused this blog as being something of substance, rather than just annoying old man, going off on the puddle of fluff!  Sorry, but that's the sad truth.  Nothing to see here, but YET Another Annoyed Old Man Blowing Off (YAAOMBO)- which might be a good name for a dog or a yeti or something?


Monday, May 7, 2012

18 Women CEO's

The Fortune 500 reports a record number of women CEO's, now being at 18.  Finally, something to curb CEO salaries.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Royal Pain in the

Pippa is not a Royal, she is a Commoner.
There is no War on Mommies.
There IS a War on Women (though I insist that it's a War on Science, starting with women's health).
President Obama was not out horing.
What a weekend!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

lost train

I'm feeling like the Republican Party with my lost train of thought, at the moment.

Clearly, the WAR on Women hit a nerve on the Right when they realized that they NEED WOMEN to succeed in the fall. But maybe you shouldn't have started that war in the first place? Now they are acting like it was only rhetoric when in fact they been trying to pass laws that outlaw contraception for the last year- and that is no accident.

So we have the defense of the Republican's most sacred word; WAR! How dare we defile it?

Idiotic politics likes to get out front and define your opponent. So they tried to box in Ann Romney with being as out of touch as her husband. Huge bad move! The Romney's are doing enough damage to themselves, by themselves. Ann's popularity is only because the public hasn't gotten to know her yet. My impression is that she is as much a word bumbler as her husband. In talking about his stiffness she said "...we need to find a way to unzip him." Really? This is bumbling, rumbling, rambling, and reckless (yeah, I overstated that... bumbled my way into it too).

There it is, I wanted to talk about Olbermann (chew chew). So what went wrong with Countdown this time? I look here, and I see my own post trailing off. After years and years of working it daily, suddenly I'm at a loss. Nothing to say about how stupid the other side is. I think it's called burnout? Or it might be, that they are doing such a good job shooting themselves in the foot, that I don't need to take aim as well. I think Keith might be suffer from the same thing. Sorry about the firing Keith- well, not really.