Saturday, June 26, 2010


I don't like to pick on W. I wouldn't do it, because it's easy- that is a thing called bullying. But something he said, recently made my jaw drop. Because there is no doubt, that he believes it, and doesn't understand it.

"Wars are stimulative to the economy." (Or something close to that.)

That's not true at all. Wars are rather destructive to your economy. Name one nation that didn't fall into recession after or near the end of a war? Go ahead, it's a home work assignment. Check and double check your facts.

Now it is true that the build up to war, is stimulative to the economy. Why? Government start investing in resources, and this gush of capital, washing (even trickles) down. But it's unsustainable. Sooner or later, governments have to sell tanks rather than buy tanks, to pay for the cost of the war.

It is ridiculous to believe that we need rage, to stimulate the economy. We need to make war on poverty, and ignorance, and intolerance. With Iraq and Afghanistan, we are investing a trillion dollars a year. Imagine a trillion dollar a year, AT HOME, spending program on social causes. Yeah, we would have three hundred pound bums living on the street covered in gold jewelry, eating buckets of mini cheese burgers, riding motorized chairs. You know, I'd rather see that than a dead 19 year old solder, who joined up for a cheap education.

You don't have to agree with this one, just think about it! It will draw some funny pictures in your mind.

The cost of hatred and war are unproductive. I'm not normally a pacifist, but we need 50 years of peace to pay for these Bush Stimulation Plans. Think about that when you raise the stars and stripes for our people in uniform today. Raise it proud and tall as you normally do, but understand the costs (in treasure/blood and YOUR dollars/cents)!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Strange, very strange

Isn't it funny that every other thing, that effects oil, causes and instant spike in the price of gasoline, except for Deep Water Horizon?

Energy costs, are what bankrupted the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! And they're still MAXED OUT. Go for $5 guys, and watch how many homes fall into foreclosure- I fucking dare you!

This magic thing, that is destroying all Gulf States isn't doing that? That's weird isn't it?

Funny, Catrina drove prices up overnight in California, which doesn't even get oil from the Gulf. It comes mostly from Alaska. But when BP broke the Alaskan Pipeline, and had to shut down that supply for months, California energy prices didn't change? When there was a shortage of gasoline in Arizona, California prices spiked again. In spite of the fact, that California Gasoline is a special blend that can not be sold anywhere else in the world (so they tell us)?

Are you feeling FUCKED YET, by big oil? It's not just BP- it's all those MFs! More than Real Estate scams, these are the MF's that broke the whole world economy. Now, their actually afraid to do it again- I wonder why? My oh my, I do wonder why?

Even though I made mention of Rachel Maddow correction in the prior posting, I've decided to include the clip of the show in this posting, even though it has nothing to do with this rant. You need to be educated, and this is something she does best:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

There is a point that does apply to this rant here. Remember those GREEN LINES? "Those are oil pipelines". Under-sea, under ground, oil pipelines? How does a storm effect those, and for just how long? I still feel screwed!

Monday, June 21, 2010

I'll let you in on a secret

Here's were both [political] sides go wrong. They think you're an idiot! "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the public"- really? I'll bet they have! People are smart dude, very smart. You're not pulling one over on them. Recently, California Propositions 16 & 17, both meant to bamboozle the public into thinking they were reforms, went down in flames. This is not the first time this has happened, here! Because people aren't as stupid as you seem to think they are. Give them credit. They know how to use tools, and they're skeptical of all wild claims.

We just went through the worsted financial crisis since the Great Depression. What do you think the odds are that the American Public want to give OUR social security system over to the bankers and brokers now? And yet, they're still trying- because they think YOU'RE STUPID! Rebranding Privatized into Personalized, yet it means adding fees for brokers, just as it always did- WE'RE NOT STUPID!

Meg Witman has an uphill climb here in California, just trying to explain why she doesn't vote in elections (for 20 some odd years). "It wasn't the right thing to do, at the time!" is not going to wash. "I should have but I didn't." is not an answer, either. It's not a matter of her missing an election or two, it's about not caring enough to EVER PARTICIPATE! She thinks we're fools- which is a dumb move.

I have still have faith in you!

What I don't have faith in, is that Prayer will somehow magically stop a pressurized oil well from gushing into the Gulf. You're welcome to try all you want, but expect to be disappointed. Maybe you should be praying for the empowerment of your fellow man, to find solutions better, faster, and most of all, just as they HAD CLAIMED THEY HAD DONE!

Drilling is not the great evil, it's the leaking thing! We liberals didn't destroy an oil well, to make a stupid a point- once again, someone is underestimating the intelligence of people. Look we want people to get back to work as soon as possible, which means as soon as the oil companies prove it's SAFE! Proving SAFETY is NOT a function of the GOVERNMENT, it's the function of enterprise. You're not stupid, you know this, so don't be fooled by a cleaver football that's been thrown onto the field. Someone needs to do his job, and show that they're taking that job seriously- it's that simple!

Let me make this perfectly clear; Jesus doesn't own a mop, or a cork. Have faith that YOU CAN DO YOUR JOBS, better under his authority. He is not your servant- it is you, who is charged with taking care of the Earth. I wouldn't get in the practice of politically spinning God's will, if I were you.

Getting to the truth about Dill Baby Drill. The moratorium applies to just 36 33 brand new, unfinished deep water wells. Not to the hundreds thousands that are already dug, and in operation. These wells will resume being dug, as soon as somebody can PROVE they're safe, and that they're not going to end in disaster too. Did you know, it about 36 33 wells, when you jumped on that jobs bandwagon?

Under the BFD Report: Obama & Biden play golf, and Tony Heyward goes sailing. Are you kidding me, do you care even a bit? Not one of these 3 guys is critical to stopping the current crisis, and even if they are, we have CELLPHONES today! Nero, hand me that fiddle, and get me a slice of fancy French cake- oh please!

(I've been corrected by the Rachel Maddow Show. Once she checks her facts, I'm sure she's right about 33 wells, instead of my claim of 36. I thought I had heard that it was 36, someplace?)

Friday, June 11, 2010

BP the new BS

(Yes, I stole that line from Countdown. It too true! ) One thing I've learned, is that my blog does not exactly offer unique perspective on the news. This is not because I'm echoing others, and it's not that they echo me. These are common thoughts, of common Americans- BP, take notice!

There is no greater sin in America than hoodlums, and thugs! Since Andrew Carnegie started a labor war, and sent in thugs to literally break a union, it's the EXACT thing not to do in America! Ever hear of Rednecks? Did you know that coal miners that were in the union wore red bandannas around their neck. And there was a shooting war between the union minors and the nonunion mines thugs. We don't respond well to thugs, we get even! So naturally BP has hired thugs, to intimidate media from cover the Golf coastline, and in particular the dead animals, instead of training clean up squads.

You know, I could feel sorry for BP, if it weren't for all these games. Now they want the American Tax Payer to EAT the bill, because of poor pensioners in Brittan that count on BP dividends. Excuse me? These pensioners are not the USA problem. The USA problem is an oil volcano that will not stop polluting fisheries! These pensioners didn't realize the RISKS of investing, particularly in a poorly run company? FUCK YOU! Not picking up your tab, ask the Queen or assistance with her own subjects, not us!

Next they can't admit how much oil is spilling, because of increasing value of the fines that will generate. And I could feel sorry for BP, if they were behaving responsibly, and truthful. Instead they are burning as much as they can capture, just to make sure there is no evidence of exact count. How much worse can you make things for your self?

How low will you go, BP?
STOP IT! I mean the bad behavior. STOP IT! Start firing people, and get your house together, with leaders who have the courage face the consequences in an upright manor. Then maybe, just maybe, there will be some mercy. You have to EARN mercy in America! There are always second chances in America for those who play by the rules. But not for THUGS!

America says; Fuck you, meet your responsibilities! There are 11 deaths that you will have to answer for in American courts. Keep it up, stupid! I'd lie, cheat, and steal, to be on one of those juries now.

My advice is simple. People of 'Coast (now unemployed), load up on your softballs and aluminum baseball bats, head for the beach, to make sure the media can do it's job, unmolested. They want war, give them one! Don't swing the bat, use it as a baton to push (like riot police). Only swing back, if they attack you first, and then just break knees! Yeah, I'm a cruel heartless son of bitch, when you don't play fair, but I'm just a common American.

Kos on Jindal's Media Blackouts

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Extremist Greesies

It is the "Extremist Greenies" that forced Big Oil to drill in deep water?
Drill Baby Drill, meant responsible on safe land drilling, only?

You can't make me laugh harder than that!
You sold your souls to the devil, and he paid you back, as he always pays you back.

Who are you calling EXTREMIST, again?
You broke the economy of the WHOLE WORLD! It's a GLOBAL RECESSION! You did it, by being the wild wild lawless west, and you still don't get it?
DBD bit you in the ass too?
When are you going to realize, that only piss trickles down?
Did you know, that that other Gulf Spill in '79, was in shallow water by today's standards. And none of the techniques used on it worked (which they're running out of in 2010), except the relief well? Let's repeat; that was only 500 feet of water, not 5000 feet of water. Some would have you believe there is a difference. No difference! Top Hat, Junk Shot, Inserts, etc... How many times do we have to have the same disaster? 31 years, and no new plans for disaster.

You want a clue? Hydrogen is the most plentiful resource in the universe! You get two of them on every water molecule. And when they explode (or is it implode?), you get WATER again! They are less stable than gasoline, but totally renewable. Gasoline is two centuries old shit tech, absolute shit tech! Why do you think we feed so much of it to machines that do so little for us in return, but pollute, and get us there faster than a goat?

No Hydrogen is not the answer (yet), but nearly any compressed gas is better than gasoline! Nearly any! And your existing car can run on nearly anything that comes in a tank. Hint! Oil is toxic shit tech, no matter what Grandpa says!

Why this upsets me so, is that we have been talking about this since 1970's Oil Crisis. And haven't done a damn thing to fix it, but create an oil reserve that is totally useless (wouldn't last a week on day's market). Bush filled them back up, at $100 a barrel? 40% of our vehicles should be on alternative fuels, today, not tomorrow (maybe). ALTERNATIVE FUELS!

Why isn't this happening? One answer: You are no longer the land of opportunity. Wall Street, pull your fucking head out of your profits, and realize YOUR disasters. Nobody is ever to blame today. It's always an accident. Strange, because there are no accidents, really.

I don't believe in doom's day. But it's clear, America is today's Roman Empire. The Empire is in ruin again, and some damn stupid fool thinks he's profiting, because he found a way to steal other rich peoples money. When will they realize that they have eaten their own?

I'm not an economist. But even I can figure out why iPads are not brilliant. While escaping BIG OIL grasp, is!