Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mysterious 2011, what will happen next?

Things I could never figure out, is why it took the media so very long to understand that Sara Palin was Dick Army's project? Sara has too many irons in the fire, and clearly she's freelancing now, so we'll see how long she goes before she turns on old Dick! Oh she will, sooner or later!

The other thing I'll never figure out, is why the media still hasn't figured out that John McCain considers himself to be the leader of the free world, and the chief senate trouble maker? The spoiled brat has been having his tantrum for not only loosing the election, but also for Obarak Obama rubbing his nose in it. That was some bad diplomacy on Obama's part! I'm sure if there is one moment in time John McCain could take back now, it was the moment which he defended Obama from being called an "Arab". (His last endearing moment). You listen to his family, and his close friends, (who understand the game of politics) and they're actually sensible. But John is contrary to all things John use to be for, particularly if there is a camera on. It's a temper tantrum folks, that is going to last 3 1/2 years, until they force John to step down, and not run again (no I don't think he got the message yet).

2011 is going to be interesting, because of buttfucks like Darrel Issa. The most useless partisan politician of this century. Ready to watch congress have investigation after investigation after investigation of nothing? I wouldn't elect Issa dog catcher, just from his past antics. But he's not my district.

Crybaby Beohner, will be on the publics nerves in 6 months, so I'm not worried about him brainwashing the public much. And everybody with any sense at all knows that Mitch McConnell is a coal/tobacco lawyer, so we don't expect great leadership from there. It's back door John, unofficial spokesman for the Republican Party that nothing but trouble.

What will 2011 bring? Not peace, that's for sure!
We need this proclamation more than ever before:
"Peace on Earth, and good will toward men."
Stop the madness, DEMAND PEACE, this year!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Start where we agree, and make it better!

This was the most important VIDEO I've seen on the most BORING topic in the UNIVERSE! And one I've taken issue with from EVERY PRESIDENT OF MY ADULT LIFE! Let's finally really reform EDUCATION correctly; for the 21st Century!