Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

Why anyone gets upset about being inclusive, I'll never understand. Particularly once the Reason for the Season, wasn't born then, he was born in August. Christmas is like the Jerusalem of holidays, everybody likes to glob on. Celebrating the days now getting longer- now if only we could do something about the bitter cold of the next 3 months. But let's face it, that is what THE SEASON is really all about. It's helping each other (particularly the poor) survive the cold that is to come. And to pat yourself on the back for it. Good Values! Which to the merchants means Good Values to you, but that just puffing!

I thought this would be a very bad Christmas, because of my chemo. But I'm holding out hope that not having two drugs in me this time, will give me only mild symptoms this time, so I can enjoy a good Christmas Dinner too.

Happy Holidays everyone! Survive the cold of Winter, and the darkness of men's imaginations!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Payroll Taxcut, never in doubt

Canter and Teaparty tried to take another hostage, even against the better judgement of the Senate Republicans, who knew this WAS THEIR WEAKEST ISSUE- they could not AGAIN screw the middle class so openly. But Canter can find NO ISSUE, that he's not willing the sink the good faith in the American Government on (both Nationally and Internationally). He the biggest fucking RETARD of all time, and he deserves a good old fashion BLOODY NOSE, and a loss of his seat in the House.

I've had no rant to make on this, because Beohner had no other option but to cave in the last minute. So here we go; Unanimous Consent (so they don't have to put their names on it). And there the thing with John Beohner that just doesn't make any sense either? Why is he protecting HIS TROUBLE MAKERS? Make the Silver Spoon Babies go on the record, voting only for tax breaks for the 1%, and against other 70%. They are nothing but TROUBLE to Congress (for all the wrong reasons). Why would you give them an out, and protect them?

Anyway, I knew they would cave, so why even beat that drum?