Friday, April 30, 2010

Taxation Nation

I just watched a video posted by a friend, that claims that your being robbed by paying taxes, just cause- logic!
You join a union, your expected to pay dues, which enables the union to do your business.
I know of no nation on earth that does not tax product or services.
But I have one thing to say to treasonous bastards that think they are being ROBBED:
Pick your fucking lazy ass up, and GET OUT! LEAVE! HIT THE FUCKING ROAD, ASSHOLE!
Figure out what the real price of freedom is, by shopping around SHIT FOR BRAINS!
Your not being robbed, your being antisocial, and being stupid.
You are a retard, that doesn't understand anything collective.
Quit if you want, get out, find someplace that doesn't tax, I dare you! I double dog dare you! I triple dog dare you! Get your lazy ass up, and get out of MY COUNTRY! That right, it's mine, because I pay for it!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Forget Ron Paul

You think the Tea Party started with Paul- close it was more like a guy named Paulsen! The difference is, this guy in 1967 was much, much funnier- We miss you Pat!

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I heard the last interview with Ron Paul, and honestly, I can't tell the two apart. Other than one guy makes me laugh, and the other guy make me laugh even harder.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm not sayin that Sara Palin is stupid...

... but there's no thought in anything she says.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Loose Nukes- never saw that coming?

"Soft, pussy, whimp, never get anything accomplished being a push over!"
Ha! That's a really hard sell, now isn't it?


The hard-line, my way or the highway, didn't work Reagan, it didn't work for the Bushs', it flat out made enemies of friends.
Reagan lucked out that the USSR ran out of money, and couldn't hold Eastern Europe which was set to rejoin the West.
GHWB lucked out that Golf War erased Soviet war strategy, and collapsed the army- ending the Cold War, completely.
W did nothing but piss off the world, and squander support for our objectives, with his arrogance. (He thinks wars stimulate economies, he really does!)

Conservatives; Meet a REAL WORLD LEADER: His name is Barock Obama. He legally won the last election in this country, fairly and squarely. He is not a socialist with a leftest agenda, as a matter of fact is a moderate leaning towards conservative on most all issues.

Conservatives; Meet REALITY! Making war is expensive, and the true deep cost is measured in young LIVES LOST. You want true Conservative Family Values, stop the wars! Huge money is saved right there, and lives of your children and grand children. This doesn't mean you have to go soft, be a pushover, a pansy, but pick your battles, and no more endless war!!! We are stronger when we build PEACE, than when we wage war.

Conservatives; Get a clue!
You lost the election.
You lost on Health Care Reform.
You WILL LOOSE banking on Supreme Court Appointments as an election issue.
And we are all in danger from Loose Nukes.
It time to cosey up to POPULAR PRESIDENT, and to stop calling him a radical when he's not!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Never mind!

Here I was, about to explain how Protestants are feeling under fire, and how that can easily be confused with racism that they may not actually be. When some jerk wads, drop out, racist idiots serve notice on 30 Governors to quit in 3 days- meaning more than likely yours and mine. Implying a violent threats against all government. Erasing my whole point about Tea Parties and anger in America, etc... Sigh; Are you kidding me?
Sorry! So sorry! These crackers are out of control.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anger in America part 1 (fright)

We need to talk about anger in America. And I mean out loud. Not at some rally pushing an agenda, but deal with our fears in a rational way.

We WHITE Protestant Americans have lost our majority. That is frightening to us. And we have a history that didn't do so good at governing in a strait-up and honest way. Frequently, we promoted the racial divide. Creating things like Separate But Equal, which was anything but equal, and viewing women as second class. And now, we are over run by people who came hear seeking peace, good wages, and a better life, who happen to not speak our language... that is frightening too.

On the other hand, we have seen our failures, and our wrongs. We had done all we can do to correct for ourselves and our stupidity, to start a new. Which is what make us the most attractive place on Earth to live to begin with. And we see the future, as greatly improved, and where we can cultivate peace. We are the shining example. But as we loose that majority, and must be more open to opinions of those who USE to be minority- we are naturally frightened.

Add to this a local government that can't just print money whenever it wants, so that means taxes have to go up. But we feel that taxes have dwarfed our chances at prosperity, and business growth. So instead we turn to the invisible taxes; FINES! Traffic tickets, parking tickets, home appearance tickets, illegal home improvement tickets, water usage fines, electrical usage fines, and worsted of all RED LIGHT CAMERA FINES, and SPEED TRAPS!

I can't think of a better list of ways to tick the average man off. Nothing makes a community more hostile to me than Red Light Cameras- that one thing will lead me to spend my money elsewhere when ever I can. But Local Government doesn't get it! And why? Because you haven't the guts to tax the rich (higher)! Why? Because they will use their wealth to fight back!

Next, part 2 (Gods and Devils)