Friday, April 30, 2010

Taxation Nation

I just watched a video posted by a friend, that claims that your being robbed by paying taxes, just cause- logic!
You join a union, your expected to pay dues, which enables the union to do your business.
I know of no nation on earth that does not tax product or services.
But I have one thing to say to treasonous bastards that think they are being ROBBED:
Pick your fucking lazy ass up, and GET OUT! LEAVE! HIT THE FUCKING ROAD, ASSHOLE!
Figure out what the real price of freedom is, by shopping around SHIT FOR BRAINS!
Your not being robbed, your being antisocial, and being stupid.
You are a retard, that doesn't understand anything collective.
Quit if you want, get out, find someplace that doesn't tax, I dare you! I double dog dare you! I triple dog dare you! Get your lazy ass up, and get out of MY COUNTRY! That right, it's mine, because I pay for it!

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