Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oberman fired AGAIN?

Fuck you Comcast!
For the very first time in my life, I wish you were my cable company so I could fire you!
I would never suggest anything illegal, but the low hanging fruit belongs to cable.
Highest rated voice against the idiots, is shut down. So they are allowed to threaten the whole state of the nation unchecked?
Fuck you Comcast!
Clearly you're everything that Senator Al Franken warned us, you'd be.
STOP THE BULLSHIT! It's the fact that you seem to think we're stupid that REALLY REALLY PISSES ME OFF! You can put on any kind of programming you want, but let Keith return someplace else to beat your stupid network into the ground!
Hear that Opera? That's about the only way you'll ever get me to watch piece of shit idea of yours!
Look guys, we're not stupid enough to call it a repression of our first amendment rights, when clearly you can put on or take off any show on your own network that you want. But I'm free to make sure you pay a price too.
Fuck you Comcast! I will not be watching MSNBC or even NBC or a while.
FUCK YOU! Way to start shit heads!

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