Thursday, February 17, 2011
Dear Billionaires
Even if you get your way, and silence the unions completely for the next election. Your going to eat shit for thinking me and a lot of other people are stupid, and that we do and think everything the Fox TV machine tells us to do. I own a rope, and I will take it to the polls, huck, huck, hope to see ya dare- ha, ha, ha!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Critics of the blogger
and there you have it!...
Writing journals (hint your reading one), is about EXPRESSING YOURSELF. What you can't say at the dinner table, but wish you could. What you can't say at the barber shop, but wish you could. What you can't say to the class but wish you could. What you can't say to congregation but wish you could. So, when you open this door, and expose what you really think, you hope that either those who discover it will laugh (with you), or that they will take heart, read the truth, and seek methods to reform the situation. But most likely, they WILL, attack the messenger! It's the petty things that piss me off, when they do that. Oh, used the wrong word, or misspelled ______. Can all of your writing stand up to such scrutiny? Without editors? And a staff... Errors/Mistakes happen! Even more frequently than not from an organization of 1.
Yes, there is a situation in the news right now, that this posting is about. But I really don't want to draw unneeded attention to it. It is clearly going to be litigated. And oh my god, it deals with a TEACHER speaking her mind, on a public blog. You should know, that she doesn't Name pupils, or the school. (And that's all I need to know.) But somebody found it. Somebody is trying to stop it. She is suspended from teaching. It's going to court. That is unfortunate, because it only makes the whole situation worse.
People, professionals in particular, need to vent! And when there was NO HARM, I see no problem with that. (This is blogger defending blogger). However, when the blog became common knowledge to those it attacks, and they object. Don't make the situation worse! Now MSNBC just attacked her for "acting like she's the martyr", then dragged out the petty bullshit attacks on her writing. Once she must be absolutely perfect, once she's a magic miracle of humanity, A TEACHER!
I don't really want to take sides in pending court cases! But the attack of the media, is what pisses me off. Oh we're just talking about relevant issues. Yeah with opinions not facts! You out poising the jury ahead of time, because it's so interesting. (?)
As a blogger, I expect these petty attacks from critics. But this is not professional journalism, and neither are talk shows! Both are sensational on purpose! The only attack I've heard, that was clearly true, is that HER CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG! She should cool it, at least for a while. But once the fight started... (That's not right, now!) Because now people know who she is, and what/who she is criticizing. When that cloak was removed, the rules change, and that's what they are going to fight out in court.
Don't call her a martyr for being stubborn! Don't attack her age, or her sex! Attack her for her issues. An English teacher should be able to express herself with out FUCK or ASSHOLE, and that was fair to point out. But blogging is about sensationalism, and you have a first amendment right to express yourself in any way you wish.
The only reason I don't throw up the MATURE flag on my own blog is because I'm not that mature! Ok, all joking aside; But you know, if I was talking about people and not issues. And those people, suddenly became aware enough for them not to be anonymous (unnamed), I would remove those posting, or rewrite them to be cautious and more issue oriented. I would not continue to attack the "Unnamed" like they remain invisible.
What I want from the MEDIA like MSNBC, is report the facts. Don't engineer public opinion! That's for your politics shows, and not your news! We expect that on the opinion page. And it's a line that is getting blurrier all the time. I hate POLING as news, because it's opinion, at every level! Facts vs. Opinions! Do you know the difference? Mob rule, doesn't make the mob right. Socrates died for this issue, didn't he? (That's a martyr.) It's not like it's something new. The mob is not always right, working up the mob is Fox News, and a thing called Yellow Journalism. Still alive and well on EVERY NETWORK, where is the professionalism?
Writing journals (hint your reading one), is about EXPRESSING YOURSELF. What you can't say at the dinner table, but wish you could. What you can't say at the barber shop, but wish you could. What you can't say to the class but wish you could. What you can't say to congregation but wish you could. So, when you open this door, and expose what you really think, you hope that either those who discover it will laugh (with you), or that they will take heart, read the truth, and seek methods to reform the situation. But most likely, they WILL, attack the messenger! It's the petty things that piss me off, when they do that. Oh, used the wrong word, or misspelled ______. Can all of your writing stand up to such scrutiny? Without editors? And a staff... Errors/Mistakes happen! Even more frequently than not from an organization of 1.
Yes, there is a situation in the news right now, that this posting is about. But I really don't want to draw unneeded attention to it. It is clearly going to be litigated. And oh my god, it deals with a TEACHER speaking her mind, on a public blog. You should know, that she doesn't Name pupils, or the school. (And that's all I need to know.) But somebody found it. Somebody is trying to stop it. She is suspended from teaching. It's going to court. That is unfortunate, because it only makes the whole situation worse.
People, professionals in particular, need to vent! And when there was NO HARM, I see no problem with that. (This is blogger defending blogger). However, when the blog became common knowledge to those it attacks, and they object. Don't make the situation worse! Now MSNBC just attacked her for "acting like she's the martyr", then dragged out the petty bullshit attacks on her writing. Once she must be absolutely perfect, once she's a magic miracle of humanity, A TEACHER!
I don't really want to take sides in pending court cases! But the attack of the media, is what pisses me off. Oh we're just talking about relevant issues. Yeah with opinions not facts! You out poising the jury ahead of time, because it's so interesting. (?)
As a blogger, I expect these petty attacks from critics. But this is not professional journalism, and neither are talk shows! Both are sensational on purpose! The only attack I've heard, that was clearly true, is that HER CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG! She should cool it, at least for a while. But once the fight started... (That's not right, now!) Because now people know who she is, and what/who she is criticizing. When that cloak was removed, the rules change, and that's what they are going to fight out in court.
Don't call her a martyr for being stubborn! Don't attack her age, or her sex! Attack her for her issues. An English teacher should be able to express herself with out FUCK or ASSHOLE, and that was fair to point out. But blogging is about sensationalism, and you have a first amendment right to express yourself in any way you wish.
The only reason I don't throw up the MATURE flag on my own blog is because I'm not that mature! Ok, all joking aside; But you know, if I was talking about people and not issues. And those people, suddenly became aware enough for them not to be anonymous (unnamed), I would remove those posting, or rewrite them to be cautious and more issue oriented. I would not continue to attack the "Unnamed" like they remain invisible.
What I want from the MEDIA like MSNBC, is report the facts. Don't engineer public opinion! That's for your politics shows, and not your news! We expect that on the opinion page. And it's a line that is getting blurrier all the time. I hate POLING as news, because it's opinion, at every level! Facts vs. Opinions! Do you know the difference? Mob rule, doesn't make the mob right. Socrates died for this issue, didn't he? (That's a martyr.) It's not like it's something new. The mob is not always right, working up the mob is Fox News, and a thing called Yellow Journalism. Still alive and well on EVERY NETWORK, where is the professionalism?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Screaming from the roof top
That lunatic is on the roof again! I know you've already tuned me out! It's just noise. I know. It's ok, I'll survive.
This is about getting back to basics. I don't think I can be A-political, but I can tone it down. I know a lot of you want that. Even though we have none who are loyal readers anymore. At least none that I know of.
Blogging, for me at least, is sharing a belief in a better future, against a toxic environment. Yet, there are those who crave all the bitterness and poison? I don't know what to do with you? To be a good light entertainment blogger, you need to read other bloggers. Something, I stopped doing. I'm just wearing too many hats, trying to do too much.
Tweets and FB are networking. And old people like myself, don't network much! We're in our rut, talking to the same people all the time. Doing our own thing, and not sharing it anymore. Maybe that's middle-age, I don't know? I just know, I can't inspire my friends like I use to. So they really don't inspire me much either.
I don't know, I'm trying to get back into that right frame of mind. To write and be happy, which isn't easy when your sick. Yes, I have a cold, it's stubborn, as stubborn as me. So I'm not on top of the world, just on top of the roof, again!
This is about getting back to basics. I don't think I can be A-political, but I can tone it down. I know a lot of you want that. Even though we have none who are loyal readers anymore. At least none that I know of.
Blogging, for me at least, is sharing a belief in a better future, against a toxic environment. Yet, there are those who crave all the bitterness and poison? I don't know what to do with you? To be a good light entertainment blogger, you need to read other bloggers. Something, I stopped doing. I'm just wearing too many hats, trying to do too much.
Tweets and FB are networking. And old people like myself, don't network much! We're in our rut, talking to the same people all the time. Doing our own thing, and not sharing it anymore. Maybe that's middle-age, I don't know? I just know, I can't inspire my friends like I use to. So they really don't inspire me much either.
I don't know, I'm trying to get back into that right frame of mind. To write and be happy, which isn't easy when your sick. Yes, I have a cold, it's stubborn, as stubborn as me. So I'm not on top of the world, just on top of the roof, again!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Faith of our fathers
There is a certain level of craziness that is considered normal and acceptable. I don't have to say anymore, and already you know I'm talking about religion. Why do you think that is? The crutch of the needy, and ego of the powerless? What is it that turns people into such needy fools? The delusion that by regret and tears, you're absolved from being such an asshole? But it's the social neediness that annoys me so much. I know for a fact that reading the Bible is on the top of everybody's list, that never ever gets done. Because if you actually read that thing, your faith would be crushed by the realization that god is a monster, who only talks to lunatics.
Everything must fit within an orderly fashion, even when it doesn't. That's the proof of God, and his control? There's a double edge there, that will cut you as bad going back as forward.
I know, I now have most of you so pissed off now, that you can hardly breath. You must turn away, before you have to confront REAL TRUTH! But it is not my intent to bash God, only religion. I don't think they are the same thing. Anyone who tells that Man was made in God's image, is an arrogant fool that knows nothing about biology. Here's a great revelation; you share 50% of your DNA with a carrot. Life is sliced that thin. There is a long way from a carrot to a man, or is there? If you did not share that much in common, than the carrot would not be a good food source.
My sister recites her prayer chant over each meal. Even though Jesus hated redundancy in prayer of recited scripts. She doesn't seem to worry so much about offending him. And I started wondering why this got started, and I realized that I live in a world post Louis Pasteur. We give thanks for our bounty without too many concerns of food safety. We understand that we must wash our hands with soap to keep from transmitting disease, and nearly everything in a jar or can has already been Pasteurized, and that our food is safest if raised to a temperature of 120 degrees inside, for several minutes. This is all 20 century thinking, and common knowledge, our great grand fathers did not know. Meals could be a death trap at any moment, as they still can, but are less likely so.
Religion always takes the side of moderation, or even BETTER PROHIBITION! Show God how much you love him by denial of sweats and pleasures. Remain stoic, firm, sober, grounded, humorless robot!
That is what God enjoys, seeing you suffer. That what religion always end up teaching! The more you make yourself suffer, the less God will have to punish you.
Facts are that Pasteurized Wine is good for you, as is Pasteurized BEER! Drinkers have longer lives than the sober. Turns out the oldest recipe in the world for beer is full of natural antibiotics. Drinkers almost never get sick from seafood. People who drink 4 to 5 cups of coffee per day, will never get Type II diabetes, which is not true for decafe drinkers!
But rather than learning self control, instead engage in denial the problem is you being a selfish asshole jerk with no self control. Survival on every level is about selfishness, and wronging each other. It's good to feel bad about that in hindsight. It's good to learn self control, and moderation, and spreading the wealth, and sharing in good things. Looking after each other, but come on, enjoy the last piece of cake! I believe that heaven belongs to though who share chips with the dog, rather than those who elevate themselves above the dog. They have as much right to the easy life, as you do.
The most ridiculous thing detested by religion is pride. Without Pride, you are not a good father or mother, you are not a patriot, you are not a good citizen. Even the thief has pride. You can not be honest and fair without pride.
The story of Moses and the Exodus is a fanciful tail, that doesn't match any history of Egypt and the kings list. There are stories of Pharaoh parting the Red Sea, 1000 years before Moses supposedly did, so let's not hang our hats on that. The story of Moses has such human frailty to it, how can it not be believable? But there is serious and real historical doubt to it. As well as an inconstant and silly God. Moses is the law giver, but the Torah was completed 500 years before the Exodus? The time line is all over the place, being anywhere from the time of Akhenaten to Ramesses II.
So the Bible is wrong about God creating the universe in 6 days, so what? If there is any lesson in life to be drawn from it, is about the arrogance of religion, over the reality of the world of natural law and order. You are responsible for yourself, both good and bad. Stop forming the universe into your image, and see all of it's wonder. Then maybe you realized that God does not look just like you, and you might not be the center of IT'S universe, and just maybe the Dolphin is?
Where the Bible is 100% correct was on one issue; The Love of Money is the ROOT of all evil. Is there any question of that? Even the myth of Midas told us that, and yet... (there's a huge can of worms right there- don't ever learn about Dionysus)
Everything must fit within an orderly fashion, even when it doesn't. That's the proof of God, and his control? There's a double edge there, that will cut you as bad going back as forward.
I know, I now have most of you so pissed off now, that you can hardly breath. You must turn away, before you have to confront REAL TRUTH! But it is not my intent to bash God, only religion. I don't think they are the same thing. Anyone who tells that Man was made in God's image, is an arrogant fool that knows nothing about biology. Here's a great revelation; you share 50% of your DNA with a carrot. Life is sliced that thin. There is a long way from a carrot to a man, or is there? If you did not share that much in common, than the carrot would not be a good food source.
My sister recites her prayer chant over each meal. Even though Jesus hated redundancy in prayer of recited scripts. She doesn't seem to worry so much about offending him. And I started wondering why this got started, and I realized that I live in a world post Louis Pasteur. We give thanks for our bounty without too many concerns of food safety. We understand that we must wash our hands with soap to keep from transmitting disease, and nearly everything in a jar or can has already been Pasteurized, and that our food is safest if raised to a temperature of 120 degrees inside, for several minutes. This is all 20 century thinking, and common knowledge, our great grand fathers did not know. Meals could be a death trap at any moment, as they still can, but are less likely so.
Religion always takes the side of moderation, or even BETTER PROHIBITION! Show God how much you love him by denial of sweats and pleasures. Remain stoic, firm, sober, grounded, humorless robot!
That is what God enjoys, seeing you suffer. That what religion always end up teaching! The more you make yourself suffer, the less God will have to punish you.
Facts are that Pasteurized Wine is good for you, as is Pasteurized BEER! Drinkers have longer lives than the sober. Turns out the oldest recipe in the world for beer is full of natural antibiotics. Drinkers almost never get sick from seafood. People who drink 4 to 5 cups of coffee per day, will never get Type II diabetes, which is not true for decafe drinkers!
But rather than learning self control, instead engage in denial the problem is you being a selfish asshole jerk with no self control. Survival on every level is about selfishness, and wronging each other. It's good to feel bad about that in hindsight. It's good to learn self control, and moderation, and spreading the wealth, and sharing in good things. Looking after each other, but come on, enjoy the last piece of cake! I believe that heaven belongs to though who share chips with the dog, rather than those who elevate themselves above the dog. They have as much right to the easy life, as you do.
The most ridiculous thing detested by religion is pride. Without Pride, you are not a good father or mother, you are not a patriot, you are not a good citizen. Even the thief has pride. You can not be honest and fair without pride.
The story of Moses and the Exodus is a fanciful tail, that doesn't match any history of Egypt and the kings list. There are stories of Pharaoh parting the Red Sea, 1000 years before Moses supposedly did, so let's not hang our hats on that. The story of Moses has such human frailty to it, how can it not be believable? But there is serious and real historical doubt to it. As well as an inconstant and silly God. Moses is the law giver, but the Torah was completed 500 years before the Exodus? The time line is all over the place, being anywhere from the time of Akhenaten to Ramesses II.
So the Bible is wrong about God creating the universe in 6 days, so what? If there is any lesson in life to be drawn from it, is about the arrogance of religion, over the reality of the world of natural law and order. You are responsible for yourself, both good and bad. Stop forming the universe into your image, and see all of it's wonder. Then maybe you realized that God does not look just like you, and you might not be the center of IT'S universe, and just maybe the Dolphin is?
Where the Bible is 100% correct was on one issue; The Love of Money is the ROOT of all evil. Is there any question of that? Even the myth of Midas told us that, and yet... (there's a huge can of worms right there- don't ever learn about Dionysus)
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