Sunday, February 13, 2011

Screaming from the roof top

That lunatic is on the roof again! I know you've already tuned me out! It's just noise. I know. It's ok, I'll survive.

This is about getting back to basics. I don't think I can be A-political, but I can tone it down. I know a lot of you want that. Even though we have none who are loyal readers anymore. At least none that I know of.

Blogging, for me at least, is sharing a belief in a better future, against a toxic environment. Yet, there are those who crave all the bitterness and poison? I don't know what to do with you? To be a good light entertainment blogger, you need to read other bloggers. Something, I stopped doing. I'm just wearing too many hats, trying to do too much.

Tweets and FB are networking. And old people like myself, don't network much! We're in our rut, talking to the same people all the time. Doing our own thing, and not sharing it anymore. Maybe that's middle-age, I don't know? I just know, I can't inspire my friends like I use to. So they really don't inspire me much either.

I don't know, I'm trying to get back into that right frame of mind. To write and be happy, which isn't easy when your sick. Yes, I have a cold, it's stubborn, as stubborn as me. So I'm not on top of the world, just on top of the roof, again!

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