Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Attn: Reagan Republicans

Ronald Reagan was upset when he found out that "His company" GE was paying only 12% in income tax (while most people were paying 32%). He said at the time; "I knew it was out of control, but I had no idea it was this bad." How do you think he would feel about this year? This year GE will pay NOTHING, and is actually getting money back on it's $14 billion dollar profit! That's right, we paying them! Still think it's the worsted corporate tax burden in the world? You call yourselves conservatives, but you support this level of corruption of the system. Nobody is going to go to JAIL, you made that impossible for them to, but not for you! (And they have actually requested the IRS to go after you, small potatoes).

Let's talk Tort reform; What is it, and what does it mean? You do something wrong, and we fine you, maybe put you in jail, and then put you on probation (make you EARN your way back into free society). Companies there is NO JAIL, there is NO PROBATION. So they are punished with HUGE dollar judgments against them. It's how we make them feel pain. Tort reform is about making that impossible. It's not about lowering cost of doing business, it's about continuing to screw it victims into the ground. It's about making sure they NEVER get punished for doing wrong.

There is still plenty of wealth in America. When is it going to trickle down? It hasn't yet. They just want more and more. Ask yourself when? There are 4oo people on the Billionaires list, when is it going to trickle down? As that list has grown, AND so has the poverty list in America. When? So far it's a complete failure, that only transfers the wealth upwards.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Google Think

I see Google is still as sharp as tack {hint that is sarcasm}. Because my last posting was about Atheist vs. Fundamentalists, Google now wants me to visit nothing but Fundamentalist Christian blogs. Same as their ads always wanting me to read Ann Coulter, and join Palin Pac. Man, do they need a reality check at Google!

I would love to have the revenue stream from my blog, but not at that expense. Why are they just this stupid with me? When I put my own ads on my blog, they label me a spammer, and shut me down. GOOGLE, GET A CLUE!

Christians do not know what Puddle Thinking is. Nor do they care. Puddles don't think.

Is it just me, or is there too much dust in the world?

Now they're sending me to nothing but failed blogs, and quitter's blogs. Will the last one to leave BLOGGER turn the lights out? Wait, that might be me- I'm not going anywhere.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Who's fault is WAR?

An old friend's blog (well her husband), just blamed militant atheists for war.
First of all, those I know, and am nearly one myself, and we are not militants.

It is true that Douglas Adams did describe himself as a "radical atheist", because people were less apt to argue with him over what he meant. Many trying to force him to be agnostic, once nobody is allowed any certainty on this issue, so that was somehow more acceptable.

Remember; "There are no atheists in a foxhole." Of coarse we see different reason for that, but I'll bet you only think of one? Atheist have NOT started any wars that I'm aware of?
Fundamentalist have started nearly every current war!
Fundamentalist Islam vs. Fundamentalist Christians vs. Fundamentalist Jews vs...
The seeds of hate seem to be coming from GOD, not those who choose not to believe in it.
That was the point in the song Imagine; it's not an atheist song; John was talking about the reason people fight and make war. It's a peace song, not a declaration of war against the faithful. A wish that some day you will join us (... in wanting peace, you pin heads!)

When you don't believe in an afterlife, life itself is a far more precious gift.
I do not know if there is a heaven or hell, what I am certain of is only the here and now. But that does not make me selfish or self centered or in despair.

Atheists are not martyrs, nor are they killers, because atheists have more to loose than you, fool. Atheists believe in love, and they believe in respect, and they believe in trying to be the uncommon man, and in being pillars of the community, and doing good, and making peace. If these are the virtues only of God, then all atheists are delusional. But don't you dare project your personal prejudice judgment and hatred on them. Show me your repressor? I see none but your own wicked imaginations.

The world will not come to an end, if the Pledge of Allegiance goes back to saying just "One Nation" without the "Under God" part, which was added in the 1950s. The world will not come to an end if "In God We Trust" is removed from our money, it was added during the Civil War. And the world will not be a more special place to live, with them staying just exactly as they are, either. This is just God's (self-proclaimed) chosen, hyped up on nonsense that God is somehow that stupid and easy to please.

Why is it that you think, nobody else thinks sound thoughts? Why can't you respect who they are, without feeling superior and being belittling? Why is it a challenge to your faith, that your neighbors don't share your belief? Why must you make things up about them; like blaming them for starting wars? Really? This makes as much sense as blaming vegetarians for all uprising in the Middle East. Meat eaters don't cause this kind of trouble.

Another thing you might want to be on your guard about; Puddle Thinking. It could be the violent end of God, once and for all, caused by a radical (but not a militant).

Friday, March 11, 2011


This is so important I stole it right off the DailyKos:

Do you still think that "Citizens United" (corporation shouldn't be limited in political contribution ruling), was a good idea? They're doing all they can to crush YOU AND ME! Not someone else, us (together). Can you see what real wicked is yet? (1Tim 6:10)

Where are jobs?
Where are the good paying jobs once you kill the unions?

Good News: It's still one man, one vote! You don't have to take this!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Doomsday Book

I don't know if you've ever heard of the Doomsday Book (c. 1086)? Sounds so damn ominous doesn't it? I'm sure Glen Beck and his deep scholarship on all things, will paint for you a terrible picture of indecency and injustice, caused by a damnable out of control government of an overreaching oligarchy (whatever the fuck that is). And in a twisted perspective, I guess that would be true?

The book actually gets it's name as a joke about the double edged sword of justice. It was the first time that property ownership was documented in a census of national wealth and resources. If you weren't named in the book, you had no rights of ownership. However if you were named in the book, you were subject to the king's taxes.

Leave it to corporate America to twist the laws in such a way that they escape DOOMSDAY, and then complain that taxes being too high for them. Bank of America will pay NO TAXES this year, neither will Exxon/Mobil, but I'll bet you have! Holy shit, don't bring on DOOMSDAY, it might just be fair to the common people?

Never in the history of the WORLD, has all the wealth been own by so few. And once they've managed to purchase a government to their own liking, never have they been ask to contribute so little in return (and I call nothing a little). 80% of the wealth in America is owned by 1/10th of 1%, that just 300,000 people. Reality Check time; You most likely are not one of them!