Monday, March 21, 2011

Google Think

I see Google is still as sharp as tack {hint that is sarcasm}. Because my last posting was about Atheist vs. Fundamentalists, Google now wants me to visit nothing but Fundamentalist Christian blogs. Same as their ads always wanting me to read Ann Coulter, and join Palin Pac. Man, do they need a reality check at Google!

I would love to have the revenue stream from my blog, but not at that expense. Why are they just this stupid with me? When I put my own ads on my blog, they label me a spammer, and shut me down. GOOGLE, GET A CLUE!

Christians do not know what Puddle Thinking is. Nor do they care. Puddles don't think.

Is it just me, or is there too much dust in the world?

Now they're sending me to nothing but failed blogs, and quitter's blogs. Will the last one to leave BLOGGER turn the lights out? Wait, that might be me- I'm not going anywhere.

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