Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lets do the timewarp again

This last week we have been talking Visual Basic, which I haven't used in a few years. Not since I found PHP. Anyway, Microsoft is GIVING a version away for free. So what's the catch?

No really, that kind of sums it up!
I wanted to draw a line on a picture box. It use to be this easy in VB:

Picture1.Line (startx, starty)-(endx, endy), linecolor

I have no idea, what they've done to it? Line is no longer method of a picture box? I don't have time to relearn whatever the fuck they're doing- I've got to make a living, sometime! Glad I switched to Linux.

Here's my review of Visual Basic, versions 1-6 (which I used back in the day): A great idea, that was easy to use. But totally screwed up by the company that brought it to us! From Version 1 to version 6, every time anything was updated in Windows, you had to recompile the code, to match those changes. Including and particularly upgrades of Internet Explorer, and Office. Between these two things alone, they managed to break all 3rd party software developed with their tools, such as VB. You know what Microsoft is good at? It's not innovations, it's creating their own job security.

The new one; Visual Basic Express- it had better be free- it's going to be a huge, unrewarding, time vampire! It's like EVERYTHING that is wrong with Object Oriented Programming, was built into this! And you know what we call that? Java!

(By the way, this is embedded courtesy of Dilbert.COM- Go ahead and click it, you'll see what I mean.) It was just very ironic that I ended my day, finding this cartoon. It might not be as funny to you- but it will be, soon enough, the way things are going!

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