Saturday, December 19, 2009


Tiger Woods is Player of the Year!
Holy crap, you can't make stuff like that up, no one will ever believe it!
I'm sure Tiger has ducked under the radar right now, because of embarrassment. Tiger tries very hard to be a good man, and the world discovered his secret life. I'm sure, he knew it would come out, but I'll bet he never expected it to be so dramatic as putting a car into a tree.

They foreclose on banks on Friday, to prevent runs, that would even worse bust the bank. Doing this on Fridays give another bank a chance, to absorb the balance sheets, and adjust costs, without complete bankruptcy. It's a good idea. It also puts such things out of the news cycle these days- Because shamefully, it's not it's not 24/7/365 a year news cycle anymore! And that's really a budget cutting, lack of professionalism. If you notice, the Jr Reporters read lead-ins on story that were done during the week, at almost every station. There is no politics on the Sabbath.

Congress and the President have noticed this 12/5/207 work schedule, along with the rest of us. So, there is a rush to get bad news out LATE FRIDAY, when all the researchers have gone home or about to! Like just sneaking it in. I noticed that the Senate just did this with all of it's end of the year budget tasks. They played politics all week long, making it look like everybody can't get along on anything, and by EARLY Saturday morning, the fuss is over. We're ready to dead lock on one remaining issue; Health Care Reform for another Sunday Morning Chat-room Cycle. This about politics being politics. The movement for change? What change? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

Tiger Woods should have to share his title of "Player of the Year" with John McCain, and Barock Obama, for all this gamesmanship.

To all my cynical friends; You were right, there is no hope of getting real Health Care Reform this session, it's been watered down to nothing to gain conservative votes that aren't even going to happen. And frankly, this is not OVER! Everyone against is going down, to an angry populous- Republicans, find yourself good candidates other than "Incumbent", because we will not forgive or forget, who is on the wrong side of history. This is not Obama's Waterloo, it is yours! This is not a normal political year, all eyes are watching, there will be a price for being stupid- I've focused on you Republicans because you were the most foolish, and have the most to loose, I'm not kidding, Run NEW voices. Conservative Democrats will be very very luckly to retain their seats, if they can at all. This is war with the public, and we're not going to take it!

We now know who the whores are. Tiger's sluts are not important- players!

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