Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A prayer for the season(s)

I am the person that has said, any number of times; Never give Afghanistan back! It's ours, forever! Look at what they have wrought on the world. From the stupidest to the greatest, they are dreck, incapable of good governance. Yes, that is all me!

Now Obama has committed us to 30,000 more troops, and 18 more months of war. And in this season of "Peace on Earth, good will towards men." I look at it, and realize that means two Christmases that miss the mark. Many families living in daily fear. My ego is now beaten, I am dirt. I still believe in the righteousness of this battle/war, to restore world peace. But the cost is almost too much to bare (even the loss of one more).

My prayers are for all the fine men and women in our uniform. In the fight or not, the pray for your safe return, is for you. The prayer that have God's Speed to complete your mission, is with you. For I am so horrified by the number we commit, because of the hatred of so few.

May there be peace on earth, and good will toward men, sooner, not later. Let us all pray that 18 month, need not be required. That is my holiday wish. God bless you all.

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