Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Let's not re-litigate Bush?

... We should praise him, for a war that was BY CHOICE?
... For lies that led to the war?
Bringing democracy?
It will pay for itself in oil?
If we fight them over there, we're safer over here?
Making us safer, somehow?
Ok, I see why you don't want to relitigate Bush, but why again do you want Obama to praise him?
Oh, and you owe us a trillion and half dollars for your folly, too. We'll work the payments any time you like.
What happens when all wars of aggression end? Who eat's crap, every time? You might want to dig in your sofa for some change, you owe us a lot of money for your folly.
I see why you don't want to relitigate Bush.

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