Friday, August 27, 2010

One thing to understand

Conservatives, continue to attack the bird in the mirror, calling that the LIBERAL Morons. Maybe out of fear that real liberals might respond? We actual liberals, are saying one thing back, over and over, like a bird in a cage; "Stop the hate!" You don't have to be angry about EVERYTHING, to be effective.

When we talk to you, we try to bring you some enlightenment- not to attack to your position on a issue, but to try and expand it, to see a wider picture, even understand it better ourselves- Which you instantly view as a WEAKNESS. Or partisan spin! KILL THE WIMPS!

First you decided to make war on illegal immigrants. Then somebody pointed that 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics are legal citizens, and in many cases registered voters, and now the MAJORITY. Hmmm, who can we hate then? Gays, no we've beaten that one to death, who then? Muslims! It's black people that most represent Islam in America still, so attack ISLAM, before they attack you!

Oh please, STOP THE HATE!

When we work for the good of all America, we are no longer Liberals or Conservatives, we are all Americans first! Differences of opinion makes us stronger, and even better. But there are those who believe in the 24x7x365 perpetual campaign, who have polarized politics to a toxic level. Never realizing when it's time to roll up the sleeves and get the job done.

Stop the hate! How many more ways can it be said? Michael Bloomberg is now too liberal for you? You need a time-out! Stop the hate!

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