Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For Cancer

Michelle Bachmann decided to attack Rick Perry based on mandating a cancer vaccine for girls. Are you kidding me? That the same as saying "I'm PRO-CANCER, because Jesus has a plan for these sinners!" Oh yes, it is! Don't you argue with me about it, because this TRUE! We're talking Cervical Cancer. And anything involved with a cervix has got to be sin. God wouldn't infect good girls! (Well, in your dreams). I believe that it's immoral (a sin) not to take dominion over all health issues, it's all part of man's mandate. But some people like to start the Bible with curse, rather than a promise/mandate, to take dominion over all things that creepth upon the earth.

My worry is that whenever Religion moves into Politics, a whole bunch of people aways get killed. And here we go again. People are going to suffer CANCER because a few anti-science airheads are afraid of God's wrath for doing the right thing?

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