Sunday, October 16, 2011

Little is said, because the issue is so simple

Some of you may have wondered if cancer finally did me in or something?
Actually, I'm totally dumbfounded by the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Any time anybody says anything about tax the rich... Out comes the "CLASS WARFARE" club, only this time we're calling your bluff! You want class warfare, you got it jackass!
There are 3 issues:
1 Repeal Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act
2 Reinstate Glass–Steagall Act
3 Get money out of politics. It's one man, one vote! Each Dollar should not be another constituent. Only people talk!

Constitutional Amendments don't have to start in or with congress, the States can hold a convention, and put forward a demand/bill. The founding fathers were smart enough to realized that congress could go so corrupted, that the people themselves would need a way to force reform into the constitution.

We are the 99%!
We want peace/piece.

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