Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Republican nomination is a two man race

...but it most likely is not the two men that you've been told, you should favor!
Buddy Roemer and Jon Huntsman are the only two genuine candidates for president. The rest are clowns, that don't have single issue they aren't willing to flip flop on. They spend so much time upside down, it really is a circus! Except Roemer and Huntsman. Who appear to not have a ghost of a chance in hell, because of it.

This party is in total moral decay, and it's just sad to watch.
These are the kind of good men, I could cross the aisle and vote for. So you know there is no chance in hell the Republicans will nominate either of these guys.

On my side, I would have liked to have seen Dr. Dean rise up and challenge Obama. But we're unified behind our administration that will not prosecute bankers, and war criminals! Yay!

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