Friday, February 24, 2012

For the misunderstood

Many complain about some of my attacks on theocracy. Particularly on the Catholics! I grew up with Catholics, and most of my very best friends are in fact Catholic. I love them as people. They're so much more dependable than protestants are, and consistent. But I'm not in love with the church, I think it's so far off track that it's closest to being on the completely WRONG track! This really pains me. My love for my friends is jeopardized by this, and over silly little thing that shouldn't divide friends and family from each other. For the folly of a few, who refuse to get in the modern age. The age of the INFORMED with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! I am angry over the War on Women, because this is not about any 1st Amendment Issue. Quite the contrary, it's about THE CHURCH telling government what it can and can not do! No, no, no! Don't cross that line. Just because birth control is available, doesn't mean YOU HAVE TO USE IT! The whole idea of Insurance in our lives, is to be a waste of money, and also as a safety net. It's an investment against ourselves for our protection. You purchase it, hoping to never need to use it!!! The government is not in the business of trying to kill as many babies as it possibly can- and I'm offended by that idiotic and false message that being offered by the bishops. I believe that when you find injustice, you have a duty to push back. I don't do it out of some crazy hatred, but out of my concern for justice and truth.

Let's look at birth control just from a practical application. I have cancer. My sperm is compromised. If I were female, it would be my eggs. While doing chemo is NO TIME to be making babies for either males or females. There a simple solution just as amazing as chemo. Don't box people in believing they're all evil and stupid- sometimes it's quite the opposite.

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