Friday, February 10, 2012

Will the last person offended please turn the lights out?

Conservative=Catholic Priests=European Theocracy (and the rest of you doomed, better not get any more crazy ideas about the 1st Amendment, once that is not canonized and therefore not sacred).

I'm not making it up? There is no WAR ON CATHOLICS, the war is coming from the other side!!! It's like saying, because you have to have Automobile Insurance covering property damage for up to $160k, you then are compelled to do $160k damage to your neighbor's house with your car, because he wont return your latter. But these guys went too far in there war on women, and exposed themselves bad this last month.

The Constitution (1st Amendment) says what?
The Government shall establish no religion... (how is that being trampled?) ... and shall not prevent the free exorcise of religion... (See above example).

All year there has been a clear war on Planned Parenthood, not just for GOVERNMENT funding, but all funding, public and private. Who wouldn't want women to have these health services?

Here's what I'm seeing from today's Republicans:
We hate Chinese.
We hate Blacks.
We hate Hispanics.
We don't hate gays, only gays that have come out, stay in the closet and you're fine.
We hate women's health, well, everything but plastic boobies and boner pills!
We hate liberals who dare to demand clean air and water and opertunities for their children's success.
So who left that they don't hate? (White males- there only a certain kind of them, that they like as well- and it more than likely isn't you.)

I said when President Obama won election, that the Republicans need to RETHINK what and who they are. Nearly everything they are so set against started as Republican ideas and programs. Example: EPA was Richard Nixon. Then what is Conservatism?

Let's all sing along:

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