Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pain at the pump

Think the answer is still DRILL BABY, DRILL?
Do you know that there is a surplus of GASOLINE in the United States of America, and yet pump prises continue to rise?
Where is your supply and demand nonsense in that?
There is plenty of oil in world, that's not going anywhere, it's safe.
So where are your simplistic supply and demand rules on that?
Wars on the surface have nothing to do with oil in ground.
You can drill every spot of North American you can fit a pump on, and you will still only produce 1% of the world's need for oil. But the better question is where does that oil go? Here's a clue, there is no USA market for oil, only a global market for oil. You are competing will India and China for every drop of that oil, regardless of where the oil well is producing the product.
FACT: Drill EVERYWHERE in the USA, and it will only lower the price $0.10 in the over the next 20 years. But in 40 years, you will no longer have an oil reserve.
FACT: The taxes on gasoline are about $0.38 per gallon.

Personally, I don't understand this politics? I'm a smart guy, but using 100% of brain on this, I can't figure it out? If you have it all figured out, I'll bet your WRONG, and will eat your underwear sooner or later, as a wish sandwich.

Oil, I'm not a fan of it. It pollutes the ground, it pollutes the air. It will give you cancer, and it will kill you. Yet we burn it in cars, which puts far more Co2, and other very bad gases into the air, than what should not be there, and creates global warming... but everybody wants it. Because they know of no other CHEAP source of energy. Oil is the magic bullet to the energy problem. I want my leaf blower, not a rake or a broom! I want to lift a ton instead of pound. I want to go WAY TOO FAST! I want to zap my dinner in 3 minutes.

I know, I know, I know! I want that to. But I really feel that I'm being had.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Freedom isn't free

Republicans are truly anarchists. They believe in self correction of the markets, which is why you don't need government regulation. What they completely ignore at the same time, is monopoly state of those markets. Competition, is for chumps! How many men have gotten rich, buying solid companies for their assets, only to take them apart for reduced completion, and for profit? So instead of heading for a small market self correction, you end up with a global catastrophe. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE WRONG!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The F(inal) word

Yesterday, a friend told me I was being; "particularly bad, lately!" in a very scolding manner. And that is true! I'm very angry which I'm taking out on my readers, even though I'm trying to talk PAST THEM, to the people who really count (oops, didn't mean it that way). To say simply; "Oh no you don't: We are not that stupid!"

So I'm talking a lot like a thug, just a common thug. And that is stupid on my part.
I'm not exactly asking for your forgiveness in this. Because it's not YOU that I'm addressing with these comments. However, your objections have been noted.

I should try harder, not to be such an in your face jerk. I should be using my talents much more wisely, and being much more articulate, it's true! So I will try harder from now on, again, as I use to, to avoid being vulgar. These just seem as over the top, vulgar times, so I've gotten carried away with myself. (Not that any of you don't know this, about me!)

Mathematically Challenged

Most Republicans in Congress are millionaires. I admit this is a blanket statement, and I really don't like to make blanket statements. This is true, because most of Congressmen are wealthy. And many of them made their own money, instead of inheriting it. However, that does not mean that they started out poor, but they had advantages (education, connections) that made it easier for them to succeed.

So why then, are they so retarded at Math?

They're not. Lawrance O'Donnell recently stole my thunder by bring up this very subject. But I'm betting that none of you watch Larry's show.

To be truthful they are not that bad at math. It's a thing called politics. If you are trying to PROVE your statement that the Government is STUPID, then just fill it with STUPID people, like your useless cousins.

If you want to prove the Government can not be trusted with money, spend it madly, and then just blame the other party or the other house of government. Do the unthinkably stupid, to create a crisis down the road. Once there is a crisis, you can dismantle anything you don't like, "because we have to make tough choices", and "we just can't afford it".

Any of that sound familiar?

NPR and PBS and Planned Parenthood are turning the whole world to abortion as birth control, prostitution, drug addiction, and public universities are teaching Atheism and Darwinism to steal your children's souls too. We're going to hell in a hand-basket because of these damn liberals.

Any of that sound familiar?

The trouble with employment are unions. Just because we don't like people having a livable wage and benefits, they eat too much of OUR enormous PROFITS.

My question is; If these guys are so wise and sound and filled with the Holly Ghost and Common Sense? Why are they so bad at math, and elitist? It doesn't reflect well on God, does it?

Here, learn the TRUTH about the Republican Agenda learn about "Starve the Beast":

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

One man, One vote! You can fix this!

Creative Retards (a rebuttal)

Let's see, you spent all your capital angering the public with writing anti-union laws in 5 states, and waisting time on abortion (which $0 of Fed/public money is spent on, by law), and you tried outlaw Planned Parenthood (just for shits and giggles), NOT CREATING A SINGLE JOB BUT TRYING TO REDUCE THEM, now your calling any suggestion of raised taxes "Class Warfare" again?

THAT ONLY WORKS IF YOUR NOT SCREWING THE MIDDLE CLASS, ASSHOLES! And you've gone well beyond screwing them, to a thing called RAPE! Are we but spoils to you elitist mother fuckers?

It's still one man, one vote! Stop, think about it, and use it wisely. NEVER VOTE TEA, NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN AGAIN- unless you're a complete idiot!

Friday, April 8, 2011

What's the game?

Just like kids game as the dots connect, you see the BIG PICTURE. So which DOT is Obamacare, and why is the very thing business wanted, and yet is so HATED by big business? The whole idea was, the #1 thing dragging down the economy was HEALTH CARE COSTS. Get more people, if not EVERYBODY into the pool, and there's no longer that competition, and prices stabilize. But here's what really happened.

First Big Business shed itself of pensions, forcing you to buy into 401Ks instead. Which cost them a bargaining chip at the table. The Obama did the unthinkable: HE PASSED HEALTH CARE REFORM. Which takes another “boogie man” away from management. Health care was key to the future plans of breaking the Unions, and in negotiating better deals.

Still the whole goal of capitalism is to FUCK YOU OUT OF EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! Just because the loyal, strong, devoted, hard working, American Worker who expects to be treated fairly is the enemy of business. Here's what greed sounds like; “How dare you stupid mother fuckers ever ask for a slice of pie? We'll break you for that (lazy stupid anti-business slackers)!” And guess what, they are!

It doesn't take guns to defeat them, or lawyers even. As long as we still have; One Man One Vote. Vote Smarter! Vote in your own interest, not theirs.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the Blessed New Dark Ages

The role of Religion and the Mission of Jesus is for care for the people, and therefore the Church is at war with all of it's competition around the world, today.

They are against Social Security
They are against Medicare
They are against Obamacare (and all of it's imaginary demons)
They are against birth control
They are against public welfare programs of any kind
They are against public schools
They are against capital punishment (all punishment really)

It is to be solely their role to care for the elderly, and pregnant teenagers, and orphans, and all other poor, and to control the developing mind of children. And to execute judgment on criminals.

The role of the State, is to build highways and bridges, and control air planes, and make war with each other. BUT none of these welfare issues should EVER be their agenda, once that's Jesus's job. Their feeling are that you do have options; You can turn away from Jesus and be damned both in this life and the life to come, that is your option. But, GOD DAMN YOU IF YOU DON'T LOVE JESUS!

The church even welcomes your attacks on it for excommunication of Galileo, because they would rather you totally forget about injustice done to Hypatia and any number of others. And for that reason, Jesus as well, must make war with not only with Satan for souls, but with Wikipedia as well, the Devil's tool of (unreliable) education to the masses.

These are desperate acts by desperate men, who know they have lost all political power, and relevance. Their job to marry and bury is not nearly enough. So their dream is a NEW DARK AGE! We must reject their efforts, for the sake of human justice. Or we must all become liars, and the willful slaves of religion, and a doctrine of elite ruling over us mere fallible humans.

Doesn't that sound a whole lot like the conservative agenda for America? The only place that has a Bill of Rights that protects us against it! Conservative Christians are now angry with me because they claim that there is difference between Christian and Roman doctrine- which is true, but SECULARISM is first on the HIT LIST. Then it's everybody else: Do you still think your a conservative?

My attack here is not on YOUR FAITH! It on the breach between Government and Faith. Jefferson was absolutely correct in all divided powers, and providing all future generations with true choice (FREEDOM). That's something under attack! And you must resist and fight back early, or you will be overrun. I like these social reforms that have no Prayer before food service- that prayer should be my choice, but I will FAKE IT to keep from STARVING! So where is your crown of glory in that? You think I'm splitting hair here, did you know there are NO (not even one) PROTESTANT on the Supreme Court, however there are 5 Catholics.

How many people / companies have you heard of that are making a profit of a billion dollars or more? Here's a clue for you math challenged, that think we're broke; 10% of a Billion is $100 million. So if each of the 400 billionaires tithed to their government; that's $4 billion dollars, right there, every year. Not including Corporate Income Tax. We don't have money problem in America, we have a greed problem in America.

My point IS: Most CONSERVATIVES don't agree with this agenda, and therefore THEY have to stop and think; Do they want to support this foolishness, or support true progressives of any party? This following your party cult, must end. A lot of religious people are being used as pawns.

(Another footnote: Please don't think I'm one of those Anti-catholic nuts. I know lots of Catholics that I like and admire, even some on the Supreme Court. It's not these people that are the problem, it's this foolish agenda that bothers me as well as many others.)