Friday, April 8, 2011

What's the game?

Just like kids game as the dots connect, you see the BIG PICTURE. So which DOT is Obamacare, and why is the very thing business wanted, and yet is so HATED by big business? The whole idea was, the #1 thing dragging down the economy was HEALTH CARE COSTS. Get more people, if not EVERYBODY into the pool, and there's no longer that competition, and prices stabilize. But here's what really happened.

First Big Business shed itself of pensions, forcing you to buy into 401Ks instead. Which cost them a bargaining chip at the table. The Obama did the unthinkable: HE PASSED HEALTH CARE REFORM. Which takes another “boogie man” away from management. Health care was key to the future plans of breaking the Unions, and in negotiating better deals.

Still the whole goal of capitalism is to FUCK YOU OUT OF EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! Just because the loyal, strong, devoted, hard working, American Worker who expects to be treated fairly is the enemy of business. Here's what greed sounds like; “How dare you stupid mother fuckers ever ask for a slice of pie? We'll break you for that (lazy stupid anti-business slackers)!” And guess what, they are!

It doesn't take guns to defeat them, or lawyers even. As long as we still have; One Man One Vote. Vote Smarter! Vote in your own interest, not theirs.

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