Thursday, April 14, 2011

The F(inal) word

Yesterday, a friend told me I was being; "particularly bad, lately!" in a very scolding manner. And that is true! I'm very angry which I'm taking out on my readers, even though I'm trying to talk PAST THEM, to the people who really count (oops, didn't mean it that way). To say simply; "Oh no you don't: We are not that stupid!"

So I'm talking a lot like a thug, just a common thug. And that is stupid on my part.
I'm not exactly asking for your forgiveness in this. Because it's not YOU that I'm addressing with these comments. However, your objections have been noted.

I should try harder, not to be such an in your face jerk. I should be using my talents much more wisely, and being much more articulate, it's true! So I will try harder from now on, again, as I use to, to avoid being vulgar. These just seem as over the top, vulgar times, so I've gotten carried away with myself. (Not that any of you don't know this, about me!)

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