Friday, May 27, 2011

No longer feeling Lucky

A friend died today. He was about 20 pounds, and 14" tall. He had the most amazing big brown eyes, like 2 buttons, and white hair. He liked to nip, and have his k9s pulled, and most of all he liked his deep butt massage! If I didn't bring his girlfriend around, he would scream at me- with the highest pitched voice you've ever heard. Any higher and you couldn't have heard it at all. I didn't like to visit with him unless I brought his girlfriend, I got the message. He thought the TV was a window into his yard, and the front house window was TV. He thought that Donkey in Shrek, was a dog, because of it's short legs and over-sized head. Lora (his owner) says he was 15 years old, which is remarkably old for a small dog, and sadly her first dog. Mostly, Lucky lived up to his name well, though Happy would have been an even better named for him. While he was just a lap rat, and pizza beggar, and not a wonder dog, he goes down on the list of pets to be remembered fondly. You were a good friend, and it was an honor to have known you, Lucky Monster.

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