Monday, July 27, 2009

Beep, ping, ping, AHA!

Nothing ever happens at random. Why would "scientists" be warning about wars against machines right now? Robots reaching Sci-fi levels of intelligence, is what I'm trying to say. Why? Why NOW? And then Monday morning comes around and on CNN, and there it is: Talk about drones and making fleets of totally manless DRONES, to do all our future killing in war. Just flying themselves around in squadrons and killing people? But at some point it escalates into our tinker toys killing your tinker toys- and then finally we have a war where nobody gets hurt, that EVERYBODY can get behind, right?

Then computers through social networking sites, will start to organize, and form unions...hopefully find love in the end.

I leave you this question; What's the point in war, where nobody gets killed?

Reality check: I am as CHEAP as anybody ever born, at any time- but we need jobs! We have no population at all comparatively, and double digit unemployment. Think about it.

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