Sunday, July 12, 2009


For those of you who don't read me regularly, please understand that I'm not a radical leftist of any kind. I am really very conservative, and very ashamed at the failure of capitalism to not understand it's moral responsibility to ALL of mankind.

The more we learn about Bush era Spy Programs, the more you learn that the little jerk had no idea what freedom means! Pardon my editorializing.

The founders of this country envisioned a place that was free. Free from class warfare, religious persecutions, and free to make your own fortunes, and pursue happiness. We since then, we corrected our wrongs, and made all men & women free, from sexism and race. Giving all the full and same rights as that of white male. And more importantly rejected authoritarianism that would decide what we can and can't drink (self-medicate) with- and there's something I can drink to!

The most important right of all, which is not spelled out in the Constitution (and amendments), is education and learning. We believe in Public Schools, as much or even more so than Private School, because everyone must meet a basic level of skills to succeed in our country. You need to be able to read a news paper to be an informed voter. (And without NEWS PAPERS there is no Internet NEWS, so you had better subscribe to something!!!)

The one thing that most Americans hold dear, is our right to privacy, even over all our other liberties. This has been taboo ground, sacred for everyone, except...

Under Bush, park rangers at the Grand Canyon National Park were not allowed to answer the basic question; "How old is the Canyon?". Because it violated the President's beliefs, that it couldn't be more than 6,000 years old. Well, sorry to expel your stupidity there, based on the idea and concepts of Bishop Usher again, and whoever wrote the Gospel of Mathew. But the earth is MUCH MUCH older than that, and the Grand Canyon was NOT created from run off, from Noah's Great Flood! So there was an order, to make the official answer; "Nobody knows for sure." Or you would be fired. This answer is a lie, and is WRONG both morally and ethically, and it's why WE ARE THE LAND OF THE FREE!

The trouble with Republicans down through history has been Cherry Picking the Constitution. We like this, but don't agree with that- never mind the fact that disagreement is your RIGHT under the law to begin with. The trouble today, is that they know there is a Constitution someplace, but they've never read it!!! And still they take the oath to defend and protect it. Which means the paper, right?

The Constitution was created to protect all men from the perils of European government- meaning mostly by popularity; Catholicism. And Popes' have been pissed for 200+ years, because they are powerless here! I don't want you think that I'm some nut that bashes Catholics just because... We're talking roots of power here folks, and history. Not some ideology differences- just history, so please don't take that the wrong way.

Ronald Reagan made me a Democrat by blaming Welfare Moms as the biggest budgetary evil, when in fact they were less than 4% of the budget! Never mind that 96% was spent elsewhere, and much much more was spent just fighting the Cold War. George Deukmegian made me a Democrat by changing California's laws, to support zero tolerance, drug search and seizure. Which meant, they could search your mobile home, or boat, without a warrant, and impound it, for just a seed being found in the carpet. This outrage is without a WARRANT, in this country! What happened to Due Process, and Limitation of Powers? What happened to FREEDOM?

Freedom of Speech went out the window with Dixie Chics. And nobody cared?

We know now, that President Bush did a lot more than just spy on some International Phone calls, and emails. He did a lot more than that. And mostly to news paper reporters, tv reporters, and apparently anybody anywhere at any time, that ever blogged or emailed. And still you are apathetic?

According to the Neocons, we are bringing the great virtue of Democracy to the World in our wars- when last I checked, Greece/Mesopotamia was the BIRTH PLACE of Democracy- it's not a new concept to them, they've had 3000 year of history with this stuff? So we're bringing our liberty then? When we now look like an Orwellian nightmare, that even KGB would admire?

Your apathy is not a good thing- or so I've heard before?

Sometimes my own paranoia makes me think, they're spying on me- and now I know, I'm not so crazy after all.

All of your saluting and flag waving is meaningless to me; Might I suggest some basic learning for an hour (no REALLY, DO IT! )

No place in there, was lawlessness condoned! There is REX LEX (King is law) which we rejected for LEX REX (law is king), under our Constitutional Government. Since Teddy Roosevelt, government has been in the business of aggressively preserving the environment, and protecting good health through science. This is not NEW, and should not be undone by the latter's EVER, Mr. Bush!

We require EVERY PRESIDENT, AND MEMBER OF CONGRESS to swear an oath, to protect and defend these articles. Yet there is no litmus test to assure us that they not only know them, but understand them. Read my blog regularly, and you understand why that offends and worries me.

I was happy to see that 13 million visits to that website, so there is still hope.

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