Friday, January 8, 2010

Reform, I don't see no FUCKING reform!

Man, for almost a year now we been talking nothing but health care reform, and there have been GREAT ideas out there, and it's been a heck of a debate! Pity the Republican's didn't participate? They did manage to poison the whole thing- fucking insurance company whores! But even with a "Super Majority", we couldn't get it done, because the Senate is totally FUCKED UP, and completely useless to anybody with less than $100,000,000 to spend- they are bought a paid for!

How did this happen? 60 votes is filibuster proof, true. But with exactly 60, guess what, the biggest JACKASS in the senate, can become a GOD! Anyone of these MF's can move the legislation around at will, because to loose one, you may as well loose them all. It's far worse than having say 59 votes or less, were power is equal. Remember that idea to dump the public option to buy into Medicare at 55- that's gone too!

I'm now of the opinion, scrap the whole God DAMN thing! They poisoned the whole bill, and they want more to die in the process? Everybody that can't afford a doctor that dies this decade, dies because of the Senate and greed.

I do not want to feed more people into a broken system, it will not control costs (of insurance or health care), it just gives the insurance companies a slice of your tax dollars for doing nothing, but what they should be doing to begin with (without your tax dollars)! FUCK THAT! Insurance companies are not our friends, and a deeper mandated pool will not work to fix anything, it will make it all 1000 times worse! Better to kill it than to pass it! WE FAILED AGAIN!

I was pissed off when Firedoglake recently said kill the bill. It has some good stuff in it, but now it's down to gut it or kill it. No mandated insurance- fuck that, that is where Republicans are right. Where they're wrong, is that if you are going to mandate then NOT FOR PROFIT alternatives have to be in place! And the biggest baddest of those is the Federal Government.

FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU! {I'm one step away from being coming a tea bagger?}
Remember this SNAFU when you vote in 2010. Remember how close we came to success. I'll remind you who voted with us, and who poisoned the bill. I will, too!

I've done my home work, somebody had better pray for a hard drive failure between now and then, because in September 2010, I will publish the Enemies of the Public Option list. Right before the election, so you all know who did what to your wallet, and good health, you'll need it!

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