Thursday, January 14, 2010

How could he possibly think that Obama is pandering?

When I snarked; "How will they make this Obama's fault?" I didn't really mean it!
Only Rush Limbaugh could think, or say anything this stupid. Nobody but Rush is trying to score political points off Haiti. I don't waste my time on idiots like him (normally). But there is no low left for him to reach for? Your place in hell is ready now, Mr. Limbaugh! Your soul is already here, checked it in myself.

The poorest nation in the America's is to be pitied, not despised and neglected. It's not SHAME ON THEM, it's SHAME ON US! This is our back yard, and moment to shine. You are the Ugly American that the world hates- wallow in it, as you should, dip shit!

Everybody, give to the Red Cross Haiti Relief.
Do it for yourself, not for worthless trash like him!
Do it, because it's the right thing to do!
Do it to spite him!

Even better:
Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

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