Monday, August 15, 2011

Hardened Goals (words from fools)

Small Government
Lower Taxes
Restore the Free Enterprise System

Funny, I only hear this kind of crap (rhetoric) from millionaires.
Fact #1:
Taxes are currently lower than they have been since 1954.

Fact #2:
Smaller Government means weak government, that his pathetic and useless. Let BP get away with murder rather than FORCING them to pay reparations on their pollution. Or any body else for that matter.

Fact #3:
Last time I checked we've allowed merger after merger, and free trade treaties, that have destroyed free enterprise in order to stay superior globally. Both Republicans and Democrats have fallen for these lies! Competition is for suckers without lobbyists.

The unspoken:
Tort reform, so you can't sue for them giving you cancer!

Here's my problem with the Republican party: When does it stop being fault of the greedy middle class (our fault)?

Here's my problem with the Democratic party: Why do you let those idiots drive the debate, and define the issues?

There is more than enough money in the world to take care of everyone in it, well! But never in the history of man, has so much of it been owned by so few.

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