Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's an internnected world, why can't you get that?

The Euro has serious problems, which suddenly local governments (like Greece) find they are helpless to fix. Recession is unavoidable there. You have slow down in China, and we have no idea if they even a plan to deal with it? Disaster in Japan. And American Businesses have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to bring manufacturing home to the United States, then they fucking wonder where the major market went?

HEY SHITHEADS ON WALL STREET: If you had invested in America, and the American workers instead of Chinese slaves, you wouldn't have this problem now. It's that FUCKING SIMPLE! Instead YOU created a DOUBLE DIP. What a bunch of retards.

This has little to do with a credit downgrade, which is an important inditement of the Tea Party folly, and the piss poor (partisan) leadership of John Beohner. But once we're heading into election season, fingers are pointing to everything but WALL STREET- who WE should be giving the middle finger to!

It as everything to do with 10% unemployment, or higher, here! You killed the American Dream, again- by not investing in American workers! It's biting you in the balls, and you can't figure it out? Here's a clue; You can get things from a foreign government that you can't get from a trade union, BUT you can also get screwed 1000x worse out of your patents, which a trade union here can't do. YOU'RE STUPID!

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