It's very ironic, that a song so racially sarcastic, could be so popular among those it lampoons. If you know what I mean? It's got to be lots of nasty sax, that does it!
It seemed like the perfect comment to go with today's Republicans. We perfect CHRISTIANS, are bringing our enlightenment to the world, as a shining light- and shouldn't be left out of anybodies revolution!!! That's our game! Our thing! How dare the Iranians go it alone, without us, is I think what they are trying to imply?
Ah guys? We have no diplomatic ties to Iran, anymore! Did you forget that? We don't talk to them! These are just a few things the Neo-cons just don't get? To embrace this revolution is like to embrace Lutheran mass, vs. Catholic mass. Either way, we as Baptists we don't win anything, and shouldn't be involved in the first place as a lightning rod for what?
Presidents will come and go, and it's not going to change Iran. Supreme Leaders will come and go, and it's not going to change Iran.
What are you hoping for, because that daydream is not going to happen!
Yakety yak! Turn off the news, it's going to be a long day folks, of just nonsense.
On one hand, Obama is spineless! And yet, he taking on the Health Insurance Community, which not only takes a spine, but horns, hard skull, and determination to butt heads! Health care reform in the this country will nearly take a revolution of your own. YOU TELL ANTHEM BLUE CROSS / BLUE SHIELD TO SHUT UP! Go ahead, and try. We can't win without a revolution on this one, I promise. Thank God for Iran taking everybody's eye off the prise! I'm sure is in the plan.
I don't look at the world as it currently is, with any hope, anymore! Hope is for young healthy people, not old sickly folks like myself, who can't wait. We've waited, we've even sold out, we have health insurance, that is anything but assuring, and is scheduled to drain us dry. Nothing is changing in that, if we do nothing. Here's a clue to 20 somethings'; Your health insurance shouldn't cost anything close to $400 a month, for full coverage- as Blue Cross claims(?). My MAJOR RISK INSURANCE costs that- your's clearly shouldn't! They just want you to take less, for more. It really needs reform. Less BENEFIT is better, really? See, what I mean?
Looking back, and I'll do that someday- Well, as soon as you learn more about DOS, that is! I'm being called Pro-Obama cheerleader, just because I'm anti-Neo-Con? You want me to crack to whip on Obama, fine there is an issue; WAR CRIMES trials! Still want to go there? I think he's being too gentlemanly on this issue, treating the former executives with too much respect. I want to know about the influence peddling, and who ordered what- but it's not going to happen in my lifetime. (Unless Dick Cheney asks for it under the Freedom of Information act- ha!)
Oh, and by the way; Never use pre-ground black pepper on your morning eggs- so says the fresh vanilla bean, elite! Honestly, I've never even been in a room with a vanilla bean, even at the super market.
You do remember the title of this piece don't you?