Friday, June 5, 2009

One more time

Republican = irrelevant

I'm laughing all too hard over the Sotomayor deal, that now I've got a hernia that has to be fixed. She is exactly what they want, and not exactly what I want, and YET! They're contrary just to be contrary. And what sense is there in that?

I hope I'm through! No honestly! I'm so sick of this. But it's like Forest Gump is running this show. Are you kidding me? They're busy just being contrary to be contrary? Was that really the will of their constituents? Has that party so little left to mess up?

How wrong by the next election, do you really want to be?
Hey Jerry, how's life in Maryland? Not so hot here in the IE that you represent! What are you doing other than being contrary? Ever think for yourself? Ever even come out for a visit anymore? Phone in town hall meetings keep you from having to fly in, don't they? Wouldn't want you mingling with riffraff like us, it might give you ideas, or something. That might break with that Utopian ideal you seem to have about us?

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