Friday, June 26, 2009

This is just too hot!

In case you missed it, which is a lot like missing MJ death at this point, for all the publicity it's gotten:

Sarychev Volcano blast

Nasa happened to the in the right place at the right time, to see a volcano blast it's way through cloud cover! It looks to me like the cloud the got caught up in ash, but Nasa assures us that the clouds were parted by shock wave- which comes as quite a relief. (Some of you will get that, later).

As for MJ, who I was going to leave completely alone, until we know what exactly caused his death. I can't see dancing zombies without being just a bit weirded out, now! Frankly, I'm not a fan. But maybe now, you of that generation, now you understand what the death John Lennon, or Douglas Adams, was to mine. These were all very talented men, taken before their time. It's shocking, and sad. And these things never gets any easier.

Not that I will not miss the best selling Pin-up Girl of all time; Farrah Fawcett. But I'll bet she would rather I remember her as an award winning actress, but who knows? She was hot as this volcano, even to the very end. And that truly is, going out on your own terms, wasn't it? Once I'm sure it was a WHOLE LOT of hard work, too look that good (@62), while being so very sick!

Rest In Peace, one and all.

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