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- Justice
#5. Good Sportsmanship! Would have made him into a God! Missed it by that much Chef.
Did I hear this story right; Southern Governor disappears and goes for a hike, on National Naked Hiking Day? I hope these two things are not connected, but frankly, I've lost faith in much bigger things than this! And who exactly made it National Naked Hiking Day? Does that mean it only counts if you hike across a state line someplace? Just makes you swell with patriotism doesn't it?
Ah ha! Naked Hiking Day is real, and seems to have started in the Appalachian Mountains, as the first day of summer (6/21- it's the same every year, it's what our calendar is centered on, and why we have leap years). Who called it National, I have no idea, can't find any information about that. I recall a friend in Tennessee telling me about it, and how his troupe of Boy Scouts got quite a surprise and an education, one year. Crazy days in the Appalachians! Always happy to spread the word on such events, so mark your calendars now, for next year. I'm sure you come away from the event, saying the same old cliche; "Why aren't there any women here?"
I am so relieved to find out that Gov. Sanford has been found safe. Thankfully, not frolicking naked through the forest of Appalachia, as we had FEARED! No, just balling his mistress in Argentina for 3 days. He said he was crying the whole time, ok, what did you think I meant? I personally doubt that as much as him running naked through the woods- but what the hell, he can't further damage his reputation, anymore!
Unlike most of you, I don't care a bit about his affair, or his hypocrisy. It's all just too funny. Had to take off on Father's Day Weekend. Had to be Naked Hiking Day in the Appalachian Mountains, that he's so fond of. Had to be such a Neo-Con jerk, about everybody else in the past, caught in a sex scandal. Had to run on a platform of bringing Good Christian Family Values to the Governor Office. I had given up on finding any proof of God, until this very moment, too.
Now, I'll bet the leaked emails and reporter's anonymous tip about the flight home, are maybe his old campaign manager? And soon to be X. If not her, I'll bet someone very close to her- but I'm betting on her. In which case, I'm impressed; That's getting even big time! Crying for three days, he said- please! More like crying now because he was exposed.
Now, seeing what his wife looks like, I can't wait to see the mistress!
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