Monday, November 2, 2009

Frankenstien's Moster Lives!

Look's like the Big Business Whores of the Republican party have lost control of the Yahoos. People are being driven out for NOT being Republican enough? And Graham, and Beohner are starting to live in fear? Ironically in NY they are backing "Conservative Party" candidate (clearly he's not Republican enough, what the hell is the Conservative Party?). They truly deserver Palin and her meddlesome crowd for their vile rhetoric over the last decade (the party I'm talking about). But, now it is a question of Party survival?

I still suspect that Dick Army is the pupet master for Sara. But not only breaking the rules, but breaking the party- well, we're reaching whole new lows. It's a concern for both parties now, if this one is going to hold up?

Be afraid, be very afraid! That Socialist Obama has engineered a SINGLE PARTY SYSTEM!
Boo, hoo, hoo, who? You people are crazy!

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