Thursday, October 29, 2009

Infuriating LIARS!

What you are about to read is from my website; WHICH was not to be a political blog, unlike this one... oops!

Some of you may be looking for a link to my politics blog, but for most of you, I doubt it. Once Elephants seem to be thinned skinned these days (cry babies and bleeders), and Tea Baggers are totally misinformed and nuts. Government has never been this responsive to your will, be vocal, SUPPORT THE PUBLIC OPTION! If it goes down in flames, it all goes down in flames, and it will never happen again for this generation. If your anger right now at Wall Street is not enough, then it will never be enough- so maybe you deserve bail out too! We are not talking a free ride, you BUY in, that’s how it’s paid for! SUPPORT THE PUBLIC OPTION! I’ve given you two links here, one for the House of Representatives, and one for the Senate. It’s painless, you give them your name, email address, and zipcode. That simple- I haven’t got any junk mail yet, either!

Snowe is all wet in her opposition to government’s UNFAIR advantage, even in Brittan there are still insurance policies for health care- DON’T BE A FOOL! And don’t let the WALL STREET JOURNAL mislead you. Who do they SERVE again, hint it’s their name (they are a Murdoch company, that serves Wall Street and big business- exclusively)- THEY’RE LYING! And totally on the WRONG God Damn side of history. That’s not good Journalism- it’s making news, not reporting it.

I have one message; TRUST YOURSELF, do not rethink, and end up on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY, out of fear for things that aren’t even real, only imagined! This is not partisan, it’s right and wrong, that has been made partisan, to protect the FEW from the many. Be firm, be strong, don’t be lied to! If not now, when? This is it, it is time! Do you trust AIG and all the other Insurance companies, or do you want CHOICE? Their are real DEATH PANELS, and they protect PROFITS, not people!

Yeah, I haven't changed much, even on the new NON-Political site??? I'm such a wussy, caving to political pressure. ;)

What pisses me off, is that Wall Street Journal still considers itself a News Paper. Then it's job is to REPORT the news, not spin it! This is an opinion blog- big difference. It's why I can use any four letter word that would get you suspended from school. I'm a Blogger, not a Journalist! I can spin it, not that I would.

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