Sunday, October 11, 2009

Berry gets a Peace Prize, and you can't be happy?

We're number 1 in respect and love of the world again! That was BEFORE the Nobel. And you still don't get it? What is WRONG with you? Why don't you get the fact that your TOUGH LOVE doesn't work, it's just abusive, and does more harm than good. You have to be generous and reward a lot, for hard lines to work. This is just one more example of the failure of the Neocons! Barack did not get this award for NOT BEING BUSH. He got it for being influential, by turning the page. He got it because there is no rioting in the streets, and all parties but one, want to talk it out. And still you and your tea bags don't get it?

Here's a clue for you: There will never ever be a Republican Peace Prize! A prize given by American Conservatives to anyone. Not as long as you feed on a culture of hate and fear. Any such award you give away, will be the laughing stock of the WHOLE WORLD! Go ahead, give one to John Bolton, and see what the international reaction will be? I double dog dare you!

Once it's Playoff Season, I thought you should revisit this rant. Go Angels and Dodgers, neither one can hit shit now, so we know they're all clean! ARod, I'm not so sure of, still?

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