Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Again, again, and again

Buying Health Insurance Over State Lines = RED HERRING = A red herring is an idiom referring to a device which intends to divert the audience from the truth or an item of significance. = They want to screw you!

Let's talk Stim:
Distinguished Gentleman Boehner, where are your proposals to make and save jobs, anyway? Why did YOU let it get this bad? You voted 'NO' on everything, remember? That will save the Nation from RECOVERY. You didn't propose a single thing to simulate job growth at all, much less to save any! How and why, once you are doing nothing for you state, do you get the right to criticize the unemployment rate? I welcome a FAIR FIGHT, and I'm sure the President does too. Sneak attacks are for whoosies! Yorkshire Terrier Politics now; yip, yip, yip, yip, yip? Maybe Barack doesn't deserve a Peace Prise, but you also, don't deserve an Oscar for a performance like that, but here's hoping...

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