Thursday, October 1, 2009

Buying HEALTH over state lines?

The first mantra of a Republican; "No Taxes!"
Second mantra of a Republican; "State's RIGHTS!"
So what wrong with shopping for Health Insurance across state lines?
How about Taxes, and States Rights both getting trampled on, by your bonus plan for Insurance companies?

Here's how that would work.
Everybody in the insurance industry would rush to be headquartered in Arkansas or Texas. You just increased unemployment in your own state (unless you live there)!

Second, all policies would be watered down to the minimum product they can provide, for the CHEAPEST STATE IN THE UNION! Why Texas then? It the worsted for consumer protection- dead last! Taxas, last in Insured to begin with. And those that are insured, are paying the highest rates in the Union, for the worsted coverage. Everybody is under-insured in Texas!

Third, if you think fraud and complaint resolution are a problem now, imagine erasing all State's Licensing Rights, to regulate insurance companies! That what YOU'RE talking about, to just open the market, and shop over state lines!

I understand people's outrage over government control. There are a lot of people, that give them an inch of authority, and they become a RULER! This is human nature at work. It will always effect you, small or large government, government or privatized. It's who gets those jobs, and how they manage their responsibility. It much harder to remove these problem people when it privatized as when it's government. Why, think about the three extra layer of bureaucracy you have to go through, including the government, for conflict resolution.

Buying over state lines, requires EVERYBODY has to buy in! Meaning they will be paid by the IRS, and you know where the $15,000 a year will come from! Still want this, fools? This is a plan proposed by the Insurance Industry against you and your current state rights, as consumers! There is NO GREATER PRISE THAT THIS for the Insurance Industry, that will make EVERYTHING 1000 times worse! Because you will NOT have any choice in paying it, it will be taken from your paycheck, or bank accounts. NO CHOICE, is not REFORM!

Now Baucus wants to throw you in jail, for noncompliance. Good going Buttkiss! Montana's you know what to do. It's time to try somebody new, and maybe in touch with reality?

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