Friday, October 16, 2009

Recipes for Elephant Cannibalism

Take minced Boehner, and mix it into a crust of ground Graham, bake at 350 for 2 solid hours. Serve piping hot, with no warnings about burning. Can't make work for the health insurance industry, that going to need your privatized business, any other way?

Republican Rule #1 (this is not new): Never Turn On YOUR OWN! Defend, defend, defend, and blame the liberal media or Hollywood! Nice job breaking that rule guys! Phil enjoyed it greatly, I'm sure.

I told you they would turn on themselves first, but Graham and Boehner, never saw that coming!

Now onto important stuff: Back in day, which was back in day, back in the day, the Allman Bros just always seem to have been there, like Old School. So lets kick up some shit, from back in the day:

We are a lucky generation, with the Best GD music ever made!

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