{I am so sick of this grumpy old fancy pants, doggin the load of my page, he's getting replaced! Look it up, if you must!}
My brother Dick sent me this idiocy, and I'll answer as much of it as I can logically figure out.
What TOP government official? Who did what in 2009? Did I miss something?
Congress, that drafts the bills, passing them without reading them- I don't think that's possible? They may have told you that, but it's not possible to not read what you wrote- pick the right fight, if you're going to pick that one.
Ah no, you guys on the right, keep asking them NOT to enforce the immigration and labor laws. We have good laws, maybe we should enforce them. We on the left, want to unionize them so they aren't bring down all OUR wages and benefits in the process of stealing our work. But I also understood that Americans refuse to do this work thing, right?
Illegal Alien Welfare? We stopped most of that under George H. W. Bush. Who are these guys that are working for less than minimum wage, some 60 to 80 hours a week, and collecting welfare? I smell fraud, and racism in this statement, I really do.
Congress is not exporting jobs, Wall Street is! Ever hear of Edison International, or Microsoft, IBM, just to name three?
Insurance companies are greedy and corrupt- granted. But the failure of AIG would have been a GREAT GLOBAL DEPRESSION. Instead of a Great Global Recession. Which would have lead to unemployment closer to 40% to 60%! Think about it being triple what it is now. No bailouts, no stim, that's what it would be. And you'd have no Internet, and lights would be off most of the day.
I know nothing about e-verify, so can't comment, but I sure smell red herring cooking.
Everybody in congress is doing everything wrong? Sounds like a losers song, about the electorate going the other way, in the last FEW elections, and some sour grapes, perhaps?
Taxation without Representation? Ah, would that be the illegals, and not we citizens that can vote, right?
Obama HAS cut taxes for 87% of all tax payers. He raised them for only millionaires and billionaires, who can afford it!
Ah, hate to tell you this, but you're pissed off because we (the people) voted YOU out of power, mainly because your ideas were bad, and execution was worse!
Apply all laws to congress. Not in your wildest dreams, you boiling pot of hatred. There is a good reason they are exempt. The exemption only applies to the Capital by the way.
The public voting on raises for elected officials never happens. Here in San Bernardino, our locals are working for something like $28 a month. Which was a good salary back when it was founded! And as part of the charter it's totally up to the voters. It never gets raised, because most people don't understand or know. So, we get what we pay for- isn't that special?
Balanced budgets are a good thing. I like that. Last one to do it was Bill Clinton- he had a line item veto that the Republicans didn't like after all, so they took it away from any future Presidents. Which happened to be W, who wouldn't have known how to use it in the first place. But the facts are, that at times like these with a huge recession going, you have to run deficits. There are consumers, and business, and government that spend all the money, and drive the economy. When consumers and business have no money, then government is the only one that can step in, because they are the only one that can legally just print it, and spend it! We should prevent this from ever being in this situation in the first place, which nobody has been doing for 8 years (I wonder why- and then lying about it). Let Wall Street do every stupid thing it can, to make even more money than ever, regardless of risk or sanity, like it doesn't always lead to this?
Social Security is not paid to illegals- that was changed/reformed under G. Herbert Walker Bush, already! You have to pay in, to get back!
Two terms for congress would only be 4 years. Do you want the security and national interests run by special interest groups? Because they would be the only experienced pros, at anything, in that case. Term Limits cause everybody to be a perpetual rookie, who then need special interest groups even more, not less, to get the anything done.
Congressmen abusing retirement? Name one? Ah, I thought the problem was them serving too many terms, according to you?
The TARP was granted to George W. Bush. And it was Henry Paulson, who spent most of it, not the Obama administration. And then instead of buying up toxic assets as it was intended by congress; Paulson, changed it to buy stock. So now we can't let them fail, and go into bankruptcy unless you want to loose all YOUR money. Stock holder are the very lowest on the food chain (the highest risk), in bankruptcy in case you didn't know? Again, that was done by Bush!
If Congress wasn't ripping you off all the time, then you can have the best paid army EVER- Yeah, right! How are you going to pay for that army when the economy collapses totally, under these stupid ideas?
Start no war, unless you can win it- hear that W, and Neo-conservatives?
English- ok! But why waste money creating lawsuits that your not going to win?
The Electoral College is one of the very first parts of the Constitution, not an amendment to it. Now, the only one that ever won the popular vote and still lost the election was Al Gore! Still want that? Nice cherry picking the Constitution guys! Oh but get ready to sew more stars on your flag there Betsy Ross, when Texas divides, too.
The voluntary army is working fine, isn't it? You want young men and women that WANT to be there, right? I hear they're turning kids away, particularly YOUR fat ones!
Who is getting something they didn't earn? Other than AIG?
Oh yeah, your right, we're all wussies who can't defend ourselves against; ah, who has been in control of congress for 12 strait years before this year, again? And who's been manning the White House again, for the last 8 years, that caused all these problems with "Business can do no wrong" attitude?
It's simple just mail some tea, that will fix everything for whom; Lipton? And for god's sake, call your radio hosts, they'll make things happen, for what the Chicken mascot?
He ends suggesting you to take up arms against your government? Isn't that treason? Or are you worried that illegals all doped up on welfare, and social security are going to climb through your windows at night, and steal your credit score?
If you sleep with a loaded gun under your pillow, I have no pity for your eventual outcome- none!
I understand why this angry man, sounds good- but it's all bullshit! Pure bullshit, from those eating the sour grapes in the last two elections, from their failed ideas!
When it comes to the economy, that is best left to the experts, and not you and me. Ok all you Jay Walking All Stars; tell me what GDP stands for? And just how many companies are in the DOW industrial index? This is elementary stuff, you experts- things everybody should know. But nowhere in this, is any rant against Universal Default Programs? There is no rant about fixing a broken special interest driven, health care system, that has no intent on helping you when you need it most, only charging you for a promise and a prayer.
The problem is that your Executive Branch of the Government and it's Justice Department, for the last 8 years did nothing at all to protect small business from being crushed by big business. Remember SMALL BUSINESS was the number 1 employer? Now everybody is too big to fail, and failing? I don't hear any complaints about that, from these EXTREMELY WEALTHY TEA BAGGERS that somehow aren't being represented? There's a first for everything, I guess?
Idiocy! Absolute racist idiocy!
Hey, were do you get those fancy gay clothes, away? They must be too tight someplace, close to the brain stem, I think? No doubt this is Fox News, being Fox News: Don't bother with facts when you've got opinions that are better! And more of Glenn Beck's, dreck! Shut up Murdoch, and stop your crying, baby! You lost the election, because your ideas are bankrupt, not to mention stupid. Who's taxes went up again, Mr. Mega Media?
Look out, 6 months after the election, Mancow has finally had enough. Good work guys, you're even losing the hardened base now!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Waterboarding is not for wussies
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Let me fill you in with some background- this is 1 day later, than his first appearance! Which all he said was; He was wrong about waterboarding. He was out to prove it's just someone pouring water on a someone face- no biggy at all, and he learned he was wrong! - Now I might add, it having been a war crime in other trials, should have told you, it's a very big deal.
That's my point here: We don't have talking points Mancow! So, you need to examine a lot more than just your integrity issues, is what you somehow missed in this interview? We on the so called left (meaning anybody who thinks for themselves) are not that organized. We learn our subjects, and our topics as you did here, and really don't parrot other peoples Talking Points, you dumb brick!
Now, clearly we see that it wasn't Bush that was all that evil, it was Cheney, and he still is!
Look at what they are organizing and are doing to this guy, WHO IS ON THEIR SIDE.
Waterboarding is not for wussies! Waterboarding is a war crime, and always has been! You used it, now man up!
It's the other side were everybody is born and expert in all things, so just listen to them, and shut up if you have other ideas. Well, I don't shut up that easy! And clearly neither does Mancow. And it sounds like the education of Mancow has begun. Now if he would just realize that we're not after him at all, but that normally takes medications. Anybody want to get him a glass of water?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This might surprise you- I'm against Sotomayor
I'm not happy with Sonya Sotomayor being THE PICK. Not because she TOO LIBERAL, she's not liberal at all! She very consistent, and a non-activist judge, exactly what the conservatives want.
Please, don't argue things that are nonsense to me- don't be contrary, just to be contrary- it's stupid, and gains you no ground in my opinions. It totally insulting to sell us that short!
So then, what's making me so unhappy? Why should I be upset over an otherwise good pick?
She's Catholic! Leans conservative, and is Catholic! Being a woman is a good thing in this vacancy. Being Latino or Black is a good thing. But being Catholic is not a good thing.
"How dare you say such a thing, Randy?"
She doesn't represent the diversity of opinion of this country. Do you know that almost all the Judges on the High Court, are Catholic, today? It's totally a disproportionate representation of our society.
Look, I want somebody who is smart, but I'd like to have an atheist on the court to counter the Catholic temperament that it currently has.
"So you think they'll over turn Roe?"
Maybe, but not because of the Pope! It's not my issue of concern, to be honest. It's about the fact that I think the highest court in the land, should not be owned by only a single ideology. Abortion/Birth Control, are not MY issue of greatest concern. If Sotomayor were Baptist or Lutheran or a Buddhist even, she would have my support, but NOT YET ANOTHER CATHOLIC- is how I feel. There are too many Catholics on the bench to begin with.
Understand, that most of my best friends are Catholic. I love Catholics, they are great people. But we need some diversity, particularly there on OUR highest court. It's time for somebody to stir it up, and be contrary, just like me- don't you think? Well, not me! I'm an idiot, but you know what I mean!
Religion of the Supreme Court, is a web page that looks authentic. I admit that I don't have time to double check these as facts- forgive me- it's just an quick opinion piece, and I've got to get back to my day job. We've only had one Justice ever, with no religious affiliation, and today in particular, I think we should have another- and that's just my skeptic's opinion.
One final word: She is a NY Yankee's Fan- need I say more?
I think I need to be more clear on where I stand. The headline was "I'm against" which is really not the case- I just wanted you to be aware of the issue of the High Court being a carbon copy of itself, and leaning more and more that way. Sonya isn't not really going to change that much. My point is that you (the American Public) like Democrat Presidents to face a balance of a Republican Congress. But where strong high level debate suppose to happen in the Supreme Court, you want cookie cutter images, across the bench? As a genuine skeptic (normally), I'm feeling left out, and unrepresented, is my only point- it's not about Catholics at all, but about one group that doesn't represent most Americans, deciding law over all Americans. It's just good stuff for commentaries.
NOW; Stay True Blue!!!
Please, don't argue things that are nonsense to me- don't be contrary, just to be contrary- it's stupid, and gains you no ground in my opinions. It totally insulting to sell us that short!
So then, what's making me so unhappy? Why should I be upset over an otherwise good pick?
She's Catholic! Leans conservative, and is Catholic! Being a woman is a good thing in this vacancy. Being Latino or Black is a good thing. But being Catholic is not a good thing.
"How dare you say such a thing, Randy?"
She doesn't represent the diversity of opinion of this country. Do you know that almost all the Judges on the High Court, are Catholic, today? It's totally a disproportionate representation of our society.
Look, I want somebody who is smart, but I'd like to have an atheist on the court to counter the Catholic temperament that it currently has.
"So you think they'll over turn Roe?"
Maybe, but not because of the Pope! It's not my issue of concern, to be honest. It's about the fact that I think the highest court in the land, should not be owned by only a single ideology. Abortion/Birth Control, are not MY issue of greatest concern. If Sotomayor were Baptist or Lutheran or a Buddhist even, she would have my support, but NOT YET ANOTHER CATHOLIC- is how I feel. There are too many Catholics on the bench to begin with.
Understand, that most of my best friends are Catholic. I love Catholics, they are great people. But we need some diversity, particularly there on OUR highest court. It's time for somebody to stir it up, and be contrary, just like me- don't you think? Well, not me! I'm an idiot, but you know what I mean!
Religion of the Supreme Court, is a web page that looks authentic. I admit that I don't have time to double check these as facts- forgive me- it's just an quick opinion piece, and I've got to get back to my day job. We've only had one Justice ever, with no religious affiliation, and today in particular, I think we should have another- and that's just my skeptic's opinion.
One final word: She is a NY Yankee's Fan- need I say more?
I think I need to be more clear on where I stand. The headline was "I'm against" which is really not the case- I just wanted you to be aware of the issue of the High Court being a carbon copy of itself, and leaning more and more that way. Sonya isn't not really going to change that much. My point is that you (the American Public) like Democrat Presidents to face a balance of a Republican Congress. But where strong high level debate suppose to happen in the Supreme Court, you want cookie cutter images, across the bench? As a genuine skeptic (normally), I'm feeling left out, and unrepresented, is my only point- it's not about Catholics at all, but about one group that doesn't represent most Americans, deciding law over all Americans. It's just good stuff for commentaries.
NOW; Stay True Blue!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Term Limits
I live in a state with term limits on all it's local politicians. And it's fucking horrible! I'm sorry, but there is just no other way to put it. We are stuck with politicians always jumping from one job to another, trying to prove the Peter Principle as a law of nature. Not to mention it's just insulting that some want to void the will of the majority!
What it does, is create a situation where everyone doing a job has become a perpetual rookie. And it clearly doesn't do away with the influence of special interests, it just make them stronger. Term limits are in fact a bad idea, however, I do honestly believe in AGE LIMITS, which is a totally different issue.
If you don't believe me; I beg you watch the budgeting problems of California, year after year? Is this really how you want Washington to work? I know it's not popular notion- BUT RETHINK TERM LIMITS- it's horrible politics, even 10000x worse than it is now.
Imagine yourself, finding your special niche in life, and 3 years later, you have loose it. For no good reason what so ever. Still think it's a great idea? It stupid to kick people out of jobs they are good at. And doubly stupid with elected jobs, where you're suppose to be engaged and involved.
How DARE this bunch of losers suggest, that I can't be trusted make an informed decision? I mean really, how dare YOU!
What it does, is create a situation where everyone doing a job has become a perpetual rookie. And it clearly doesn't do away with the influence of special interests, it just make them stronger. Term limits are in fact a bad idea, however, I do honestly believe in AGE LIMITS, which is a totally different issue.
If you don't believe me; I beg you watch the budgeting problems of California, year after year? Is this really how you want Washington to work? I know it's not popular notion- BUT RETHINK TERM LIMITS- it's horrible politics, even 10000x worse than it is now.
Imagine yourself, finding your special niche in life, and 3 years later, you have loose it. For no good reason what so ever. Still think it's a great idea? It stupid to kick people out of jobs they are good at. And doubly stupid with elected jobs, where you're suppose to be engaged and involved.
How DARE this bunch of losers suggest, that I can't be trusted make an informed decision? I mean really, how dare YOU!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Why can't you type?
I learned to be a fan of email, long ago- longer than many of you have been alive!
There are two kinds of power found in written words.
1) Personal Grandeur; You get to talk at someone, instead of having a real conversation.
2) Convenience; It is sent / read at your leisure. Unlike a phone call, that require your attention now, and right now.
First thing, that I don't hide that I'm dyslexic. I make mistakes- ooo, I'm such a fuckup, the whole universe will fall into the sun- Yeah, right! Grow thick skin, is the only advice I can give there. Being a dyslexic isn't an excuse not to communicate with written words. My point is, that I answer all email. Someday, I thrash and trash it, when my brain is malfunctioning, but I do it! Most other dyslexics that I've dealt with, function by giving as short an answer as they can by email- and that's fine. As long as they answer something, you know you have them engaged.
The trouble today is people not answering at all. There are issues sometimes about culpability, that can get in the way, which you must be careful of what you do say. But normally; "Yes/No/Let me get back to you" - are completely acceptable answers. Not answering at all is rude, even more rude than; No!
Any number of times, I've used auto-responders to warn people that I'm spending more time away from the computer, and it might be a while before I can answer- BUT I DO ANSWER EVERYTHING! Like it's a game to have the very last word. Meanwhile, I want you to know, it didn't fall into a blackhole even if the answer is going to be delayed.
What really concerns me here is that businesses today understand that the Internet is an expansion of their catalog of services. They have embraced the concept, in order to get their product to larger masses. But they aren't Tech Savvy, so they PHONE is still king with them. ie. They don't TYPE! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! They communicate with you, you HAVE TO ANSWER IN KIND!
Phone is easy, BFD, it's also expensive! Phone are for time sensitive issues- waiting days or weeks for delivery is not a critical issue. You know damn well, that 90% of all customer issues are not going to be resolved in 5 seconds, with a coo into a phone.
It's tit for tat! Communicate people- and we'll all get along better! Even if your dyslexic, like me!
One thing I can tell you, is that you don't get better at something, unless you MAKE TIME to do it. Why do you think I do this? Do you think that I'm so arrogant that I think the sun shines just for me? Not hardly. I express myself, to improve myself to my biggest weakness. It's that simple. I screw up often- I try to fix them all, where and when I see them. Mostly, I'm aware that I'm talking to myself here. BFD! This is actually about self improvement, and hopefully, maybe you learn something new too?
I'm really having a hard time understanding Twitter, when we have a nation that doesn't communicate, at all? This morning I watching CNN, and wondering why these people are wasting so much bandwidth on videos of things they should be writing/blogging. Video's on Twitter, is like even worse than Twitter itself!
There are two kinds of power found in written words.
1) Personal Grandeur; You get to talk at someone, instead of having a real conversation.
2) Convenience; It is sent / read at your leisure. Unlike a phone call, that require your attention now, and right now.
First thing, that I don't hide that I'm dyslexic. I make mistakes- ooo, I'm such a fuckup, the whole universe will fall into the sun- Yeah, right! Grow thick skin, is the only advice I can give there. Being a dyslexic isn't an excuse not to communicate with written words. My point is, that I answer all email. Someday, I thrash and trash it, when my brain is malfunctioning, but I do it! Most other dyslexics that I've dealt with, function by giving as short an answer as they can by email- and that's fine. As long as they answer something, you know you have them engaged.
The trouble today is people not answering at all. There are issues sometimes about culpability, that can get in the way, which you must be careful of what you do say. But normally; "Yes/No/Let me get back to you" - are completely acceptable answers. Not answering at all is rude, even more rude than; No!
Any number of times, I've used auto-responders to warn people that I'm spending more time away from the computer, and it might be a while before I can answer- BUT I DO ANSWER EVERYTHING! Like it's a game to have the very last word. Meanwhile, I want you to know, it didn't fall into a blackhole even if the answer is going to be delayed.
What really concerns me here is that businesses today understand that the Internet is an expansion of their catalog of services. They have embraced the concept, in order to get their product to larger masses. But they aren't Tech Savvy, so they PHONE is still king with them. ie. They don't TYPE! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! They communicate with you, you HAVE TO ANSWER IN KIND!
Phone is easy, BFD, it's also expensive! Phone are for time sensitive issues- waiting days or weeks for delivery is not a critical issue. You know damn well, that 90% of all customer issues are not going to be resolved in 5 seconds, with a coo into a phone.
It's tit for tat! Communicate people- and we'll all get along better! Even if your dyslexic, like me!
One thing I can tell you, is that you don't get better at something, unless you MAKE TIME to do it. Why do you think I do this? Do you think that I'm so arrogant that I think the sun shines just for me? Not hardly. I express myself, to improve myself to my biggest weakness. It's that simple. I screw up often- I try to fix them all, where and when I see them. Mostly, I'm aware that I'm talking to myself here. BFD! This is actually about self improvement, and hopefully, maybe you learn something new too?
I'm really having a hard time understanding Twitter, when we have a nation that doesn't communicate, at all? This morning I watching CNN, and wondering why these people are wasting so much bandwidth on videos of things they should be writing/blogging. Video's on Twitter, is like even worse than Twitter itself!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
So little to say, and so much time?
I want to talk about being stuck in rut, and how that's not such a bad thing. But every time I start this article, it turns into a meandering ramble. But there is a serious point there, I want to get across, that's just not coming out how I expect it to. It's a universal thing, there for all to see, but it lacks that punchline that is in the very back of my brain, and apparently stuck there, wedged in at an impossible angle?
So what I'm going to do is recommend instead a field trip. Everybody needs to make a field trip, to someplace else, someplace other than the routine. Maybe an old haunt, any place but a theme park! My point is to get away from this- all of this, for a day. No cellphone. No Internet. Not even an MP3 player. Get raw, just you and a place special.
This is a good idea this weekend, or next, because it's Spring. It's warming up. It will help open lines of communication again. And it's good for the economy! You need a day trip, or a weekend road trip- trust me, you do!
Maybe the punchline is just making this a brief one? But I think it's about going back in time, to being unplugged for just a little while?
So what I'm going to do is recommend instead a field trip. Everybody needs to make a field trip, to someplace else, someplace other than the routine. Maybe an old haunt, any place but a theme park! My point is to get away from this- all of this, for a day. No cellphone. No Internet. Not even an MP3 player. Get raw, just you and a place special.
This is a good idea this weekend, or next, because it's Spring. It's warming up. It will help open lines of communication again. And it's good for the economy! You need a day trip, or a weekend road trip- trust me, you do!
Maybe the punchline is just making this a brief one? But I think it's about going back in time, to being unplugged for just a little while?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Google Ads are STUPID!
I've had enough with the uphill fight with Google Adsense. It's a total pain in the ***! It's always picking things that would either interest me (not you- my clicking them is a no no!), or things I want nothing to do with at all! I give up, it's not worth ANYTHING! So, you're now free! Totally FREE! Yeah, a free read!!!
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly, and Internet Surfers (what few are not totally stuck on YouTube) click magic links, to make content provider Mega Bucks from the magic unicorn riding Leprechaun. I know, it's confusing, let's just say, I'm the poor sap that opens the door to the hag with the apples, ok!
Now do you get it? Clearly you don't, once I've never had a single click, muchless a paycheck from it. But I've had lots of annoyances, and nightmares. To the point where I've given up all hope of ever seeing a penny.
Google Adsense is stupid! It's so keyword driven, that it fails to realize subject and context. Which leads to some very strange ads around here. Friends of John Boehner- yeah, that's me alright- So now we're free! I wonder if I can put my affiliates back now? Or if they'll call me a Blog Spammer again? What a bunch of assholes!
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly, and Internet Surfers (what few are not totally stuck on YouTube) click magic links, to make content provider Mega Bucks from the magic unicorn riding Leprechaun. I know, it's confusing, let's just say, I'm the poor sap that opens the door to the hag with the apples, ok!
Now do you get it? Clearly you don't, once I've never had a single click, muchless a paycheck from it. But I've had lots of annoyances, and nightmares. To the point where I've given up all hope of ever seeing a penny.
Google Adsense is stupid! It's so keyword driven, that it fails to realize subject and context. Which leads to some very strange ads around here. Friends of John Boehner- yeah, that's me alright- So now we're free! I wonder if I can put my affiliates back now? Or if they'll call me a Blog Spammer again? What a bunch of assholes!
Don't try this at home- EVER!
I'm sure you've heard of this in one way or another, now here's your chance to watch it- AMAZING and VERY FUNNY! The THRILL is not gone for this timeless 23 minute classic- it's good to the last drop!
Nobody can watch it once, go ahead, watch it again- it's a true Block Buster!
*Courtesy of Archive.Org
Nobody can watch it once, go ahead, watch it again- it's a true Block Buster!
*Courtesy of Archive.Org
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