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Let me fill you in with some background- this is 1 day later, than his first appearance! Which all he said was; He was wrong about waterboarding. He was out to prove it's just someone pouring water on a someone face- no biggy at all, and he learned he was wrong! - Now I might add, it having been a war crime in other trials, should have told you, it's a very big deal.
That's my point here: We don't have talking points Mancow! So, you need to examine a lot more than just your integrity issues, is what you somehow missed in this interview? We on the so called left (meaning anybody who thinks for themselves) are not that organized. We learn our subjects, and our topics as you did here, and really don't parrot other peoples Talking Points, you dumb brick!
Now, clearly we see that it wasn't Bush that was all that evil, it was Cheney, and he still is!
Look at what they are organizing and are doing to this guy, WHO IS ON THEIR SIDE.
Waterboarding is not for wussies! Waterboarding is a war crime, and always has been! You used it, now man up!
It's the other side were everybody is born and expert in all things, so just listen to them, and shut up if you have other ideas. Well, I don't shut up that easy! And clearly neither does Mancow. And it sounds like the education of Mancow has begun. Now if he would just realize that we're not after him at all, but that normally takes medications. Anybody want to get him a glass of water?
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