Monday, May 4, 2009

Google Ads are STUPID!

I've had enough with the uphill fight with Google Adsense. It's a total pain in the ***! It's always picking things that would either interest me (not you- my clicking them is a no no!), or things I want nothing to do with at all! I give up, it's not worth ANYTHING! So, you're now free! Totally FREE! Yeah, a free read!!!

Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly, and Internet Surfers (what few are not totally stuck on YouTube) click magic links, to make content provider Mega Bucks from the magic unicorn riding Leprechaun. I know, it's confusing, let's just say, I'm the poor sap that opens the door to the hag with the apples, ok!

Now do you get it? Clearly you don't, once I've never had a single click, muchless a paycheck from it. But I've had lots of annoyances, and nightmares. To the point where I've given up all hope of ever seeing a penny.

Google Adsense is stupid! It's so keyword driven, that it fails to realize subject and context. Which leads to some very strange ads around here. Friends of John Boehner- yeah, that's me alright- So now we're free! I wonder if I can put my affiliates back now? Or if they'll call me a Blog Spammer again? What a bunch of assholes!

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