Sunday, May 17, 2009

So little to say, and so much time?

I want to talk about being stuck in rut, and how that's not such a bad thing. But every time I start this article, it turns into a meandering ramble. But there is a serious point there, I want to get across, that's just not coming out how I expect it to. It's a universal thing, there for all to see, but it lacks that punchline that is in the very back of my brain, and apparently stuck there, wedged in at an impossible angle?

So what I'm going to do is recommend instead a field trip. Everybody needs to make a field trip, to someplace else, someplace other than the routine. Maybe an old haunt, any place but a theme park! My point is to get away from this- all of this, for a day. No cellphone. No Internet. Not even an MP3 player. Get raw, just you and a place special.

This is a good idea this weekend, or next, because it's Spring. It's warming up. It will help open lines of communication again. And it's good for the economy! You need a day trip, or a weekend road trip- trust me, you do!

Maybe the punchline is just making this a brief one? But I think it's about going back in time, to being unplugged for just a little while?

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