Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This might surprise you- I'm against Sotomayor

I'm not happy with Sonya Sotomayor being THE PICK. Not because she TOO LIBERAL, she's not liberal at all! She very consistent, and a non-activist judge, exactly what the conservatives want.

Please, don't argue things that are nonsense to me- don't be contrary, just to be contrary- it's stupid, and gains you no ground in my opinions. It totally insulting to sell us that short!

So then, what's making me so unhappy? Why should I be upset over an otherwise good pick?
She's Catholic! Leans conservative, and is Catholic! Being a woman is a good thing in this vacancy. Being Latino or Black is a good thing. But being Catholic is not a good thing.

"How dare you say such a thing, Randy?"

She doesn't represent the diversity of opinion of this country. Do you know that almost all the Judges on the High Court, are Catholic, today? It's totally a disproportionate representation of our society.

Look, I want somebody who is smart, but I'd like to have an atheist on the court to counter the Catholic temperament that it currently has.

"So you think they'll over turn Roe?"

Maybe, but not because of the Pope! It's not my issue of concern, to be honest. It's about the fact that I think the highest court in the land, should not be owned by only a single ideology. Abortion/Birth Control, are not MY issue of greatest concern. If Sotomayor were Baptist or Lutheran or a Buddhist even, she would have my support, but NOT YET ANOTHER CATHOLIC- is how I feel. There are too many Catholics on the bench to begin with.

Understand, that most of my best friends are Catholic. I love Catholics, they are great people. But we need some diversity, particularly there on OUR highest court. It's time for somebody to stir it up, and be contrary, just like me- don't you think? Well, not me! I'm an idiot, but you know what I mean!

Religion of the Supreme Court, is a web page that looks authentic. I admit that I don't have time to double check these as facts- forgive me- it's just an quick opinion piece, and I've got to get back to my day job. We've only had one Justice ever, with no religious affiliation, and today in particular, I think we should have another- and that's just my skeptic's opinion.

One final word: She is a NY Yankee's Fan- need I say more?

I think I need to be more clear on where I stand. The headline was "I'm against" which is really not the case- I just wanted you to be aware of the issue of the High Court being a carbon copy of itself, and leaning more and more that way. Sonya isn't not really going to change that much. My point is that you (the American Public) like Democrat Presidents to face a balance of a Republican Congress. But where strong high level debate suppose to happen in the Supreme Court, you want cookie cutter images, across the bench? As a genuine skeptic (normally), I'm feeling left out, and unrepresented, is my only point- it's not about Catholics at all, but about one group that doesn't represent most Americans, deciding law over all Americans. It's just good stuff for commentaries.
NOW; Stay True Blue!!!

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