Monday, August 31, 2009

Time Traveler

I'm sure your all a wonder, about my feelings about the death of our "Lion"? I really haven't many, so it's been that, rather than recovery that has kept me from posting for a while. Teddy is a man, who has had his day. He is current in the debates of the future, and where we want to go, but not critical. I have no dilutions.

While time traveling back to 1969, I found something that haunts me so: I always knew this was a Fleetwood Mac song (one of my favourites), but I really didn't know the groups history that well. Who'da known that Mick Fleetwood was not the founder of the band for example- unless you are real hardcore! Well, he wasn't, it was Peter Green that founded the band and named it after his rhythm section, but it is one of Green's songs that is one of the bands very best songs, that is so rarely, rarely played. But when it is, it's like a HARD STOP- so profound.

That kind of says it all, for us that carry the torch into the future.
Enjoy, this is extraordinary! I really have to thank whoever posted it, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this treasure.

And pass health care reform, not for a dead man, but because it's the right thing to do. His legacy needs no polish, or enhancements. However, it is us, that need to continue to do that which is right, and that which is noble.

Maybe some of you need a little help on why I like this so much?
The answer is that it is before the days of lip-sync, and air guitar performances. And clearly the director actually went to the rehearsal, and learned the highlights of the performance. The sound is balanced, you can hear and see everything. It's even quite clear where they screwed up (they dropped the chorus; "oh well, oh well, oh well"). This is so much better than a Today Show Concert, today! And for an audience of what, maybe 30 teenagers?
That's why I love this... PROFESSIONALISM!

Now, watch the 1987 performance for an example of the Glam-Rock style. How did we loose the moose? At least Mick is just as creepy as ever. But gimme the thin kids of 1969, every time!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tom Ridge tells sorta?

You think you know the topic by now? Let it run! I've got to admit, I laughed, and I cried, like all good stories should do to you. Even the scariest monster was kept to the very end on this one. This is not a liberal bashing Bush, when you get into it, which is what makes it so very scary! We hope things have changed...

UPDATE (9/2/09):
Tom Ridge is out selling his book this week, and setting the record strait, that; he meant the system was designed as such, that you couldn't play politics with the threat level. That not why I posted this piece to begin with, so I have nothing to change here!

It is a good point Tom makes about the Madrid train bombing, and how it shaped politics post 9/11. Something very much on their minds.

He is one of the conservatives, that I really, really like, and wish we had a whole bunch more of. But this is about the executive administration, which is why I will not change it! It wasn't his actions I was attacking- Hint: It's Homeland Security that worries me most, particularly FEMA- and having seen how FEMA acts in a disaster up close when Running Springs Burnt a few years ago, I hope you NEVER have to deal with them! REALLY!

Col. Wilkerson is also one of my very favourite conservatives. I posted this because of his comment: "One wonder's if there is enough shame to go around?"- was my point, and why this posting will not be changed! If I can get yesterday's Maddow interview, I'll post it too- it's very important- Ah, and I can still, so here goes...
Watching this a second or third time, I realize this is a lot like watching attorneys argue hypothetical arguments. But it was a good job done by both. Very good interview guys, but it needed some of those old 1960's kidshow TV shaving cream pie fights- that's what it needed! Now, I do understand that Ridge is back peddling, and weaseling out, but I expect that. The book says what it says! His words defending his buddies and party, are what they are, it's what stamped in ink, the record will remember. Meanwhile, some very serious laws could have been broken by influencing government agencies with political pressure. That's not good!

Insurance business models

I'm not concerned about Wall Street and the Heath Insurance companies. They will change their business models, and find a way to make even more money than before, backing up any Government Take Over of health care! Trust me, they are a SUPER POWER as a lobby on Capital Hill. So I'm just totally mystified why you trust THEM? The guys that turn down desperate people wanting "EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENTS", cancel policies whenever they can for anyone that gets sick. Reduce coverage to barely being a discount- and now want you to pay 35% or more, just so they can make even bigger profits. And you somehow think the Government is WORSE??? Are you kidding me?

There is this thing in all insurance all over the world, called RE-INSURANCE! Where risks are spread across many companies. So that local catastrophes don't bankrupt the whole system, and cause a domino collapse. That's the whole reason we bailed out AIG. And you think Government Insurance is going to be a GO IT ALONE proposition, using DEATH PANELS to control costs? Hardly!

Nobody is talking about Socializing Medicine!! Your doctor and hospital and pharmacies will remain independent contractors. Oh, they are going to have tantrums over cost controls, you can count on that. But we're not trying to dive into the deep end, and socializing the whole thing. We are talking about your options, and letting you shop for what is best for you! While Insurance companies figure out their new business model, and the most profitable cherry things to offer to keep you private and not public.

How can having more options for you, be bad for America?

The trouble with insurance to begin with, is that it has no quality assurance, or cost control. Have you seen REAL INSURANCE BILLS and profit statements? They are making more and more money, willing to pay 1/2 a billion dollar fines, and judgements, because they are still making huge profits, at your personal expense!!! They have found the way to being Untouchable. You pay $400 out of your pay check, and your employer pays $1200, and you wonder where your pay raise went, and why your employer is cutting back benefits?

This system is broken! The Public Option is the cure. Nothing less will do. And your insurance company is not going to suffer, most likely they will be your Re-insurer, instead.

The people I'm pissed off with in this fight are the Democrats, not the Republicans. I expect the Republican's to whore themselves for the Insurance Industry, particularly being the minority party. They are irrelevant, and they know it! But backlash from the Democrats on this issue is in tolerable. You got your jobs because we sick of the Wall Street First influence! We DEMAND OUR HUMAN RIGHTS! And as the RICHEST NATION on earth, WE CAN DO BETTER! And you had better step up to the plate, face your fears, because we are watching and taking names of who is not going to be there in two years!

I am as pissed off as I can be with a President that claims he's our change candidate, that is showing signs of being a total pushover with no spine! If you have no heart for the battle, you have no business in that office. You better learn what to have a blood lust about, and what to draw a hard line about. Your mandate is clear, and we expect you to preform on your promises, and not be more of the same Bull SHIT we've been wading through, generation after generation.

Slavery is not dead in America! What do think the whole illegal immigration issue really is? What do you think Off-shoring is all about? Your being bought and sold, Black, White, Asian, or Hispanic. Union busting is about nothing more than that. You'd better wake up, and be ready to defend all that is yours! Your at war with extremists on Wall Street as well as those other guys over seas. How can you stay on top, when you produce nothing of value, and treat humans as expendable?

It is a morality issue!

Monday, August 17, 2009

We're loosing it!

"There is no REAL REFORM without the Public Option."
-Gov.Dr. Howard Dean.

It's slipping from us. And it's really really not easy to loose this time around. Particularly to such bullshit and lies. But I can promise you that we will be back! Our next Democratic President will have the balls to shove it down your throats, and threaten your bureaucratic empires! How do such ideologues get so fucking much money? But this was most likely our last shot in my lifetime. I doubt with my medical history, that I will even be here for another President, with or without it. It's a legacy issue, about leaving the world better off behind us. And now it's an issue of being a sell out, and a coward.

If I'm going down in flames, than my position of compromise has to change too; Nothing BUT Single Payer is acceptable now! The total socialization of all health insurance- what the hell?

There are only two groups making record profits in this recession; Big Oil, and Health Insurance! But there's nothing wrong? Wait until you get your September Insurance Bill, before you say that! Your Government is bought and paid for, and you going to pay for it, with almost instant rewards from your insurance companies. Next month I pay $35 more a month, for no good reason at all, other than they want more!

There is a law of the jungle at work here. Whenever someone or some thing, fails, there is a kick a man while he's down effect. Which means in this case, expect your health insurance to triple, because you just gave them a free ride! Betcha it's your reward, for a job well done in beating the Nazi Socialist Death Panel Bastards. If you work for any company with less than 200 employees, I'll bet your employer based health insurance will be canceled within a year, and don't you think about crying to me! The stars are all lined up, we're going to get FUCKED by big business again.

What I really don't understand is; Why do you believe so much in corporate welfare, and not social welfare? People with money don't need hand-outs! Creating Pools of customers doesn't fix anything, it will only make it all worse for each of us. I hope your in very deep pool, with a very benevolent insurer, I honestly do. Bye bye small businesses, and welcome to Wallmart!

A side note: I heard a Republican complain that Medicare is full of fraud and waste, and a failed system. Ah, isn't that the fault of those who choose to downsize government oversight and prosecutions, over the last 8 years for such white collar crimes? It's all very puzzling to me, this disconnect between cause and effect?

I would like to add one thing: Calling Moderates, Nazis is uncalled for, and actually unforgivable! I did so, only mocking you, and your stupidity. It's called sarcasm, it wasn't intended to embrace your platform and rhetoric.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Health Care is the parable of the Good Samaritan

Health Care is the parable of the Good Samaritan, and should be a human right to all (primarily) Christian Nations and People. How can you in good faith, be against it (Luke 10:30-37)?

Egads, he talking socialism. No, I'm not! You don't have a right to happiness, you only have the RIGHT TO THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! Bad news; You might not ever get there and be happy, but you have the right to dream the dream, and try and make it happen. Good Health is a huge part of happiness, and it's pursuit. And we as a civilized nation under law, should recognise that as a HUMAN RIGHT!

A conservative friend of mine, just mentioned something about; HOW are you going to restrict Health Reform to just citizens of the United States, and bar all the illegals? And the second he said that, I realized myself that it's immoral NOT to extend such a right to all people, able to get here! That's right, totally and completely immoral, to even think such a thing. Sorry, Mr Lue Dobbs! And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I would rather have a border totally lined with Hospitals and Clinics, than with fences.

Why, because those are OUR JOBS, that can't be taken away! Even if you are not a doctor or nurse, there are other support businesses from lodging to administration. But, ABSOLUTELY NO HOSPITAL OR CLINIC SHOULD EVER BE FORCED TO TREAT ANYBODY, EVER, as long as there are public alternatives in the community. This is where the Capitalist in me comes out. I should be able to accept and reject any client, for any reason I want, as long as there is someone else around who can do the same job. Which means NOT ALL Health Clinics and Hospitals have to be open to the general public- as long as there is at least one that is within a community that is open to the public.

Health Care has historically been recession proof. And as long as the population grows, and grows older, there will be infinitely growing need for more clinics and hospitals. Which means, we can capitalize on our own reputation as world leaders in quality of life issues, and fairness. Which should cause growth and naturally expand out tax base from profits, as well as create plenty of good careers. Health Care can be an even bigger keystone industry for us, when it covers all.

We are not talking about Government practising medicine, and manufacturing medications, etc. We are just talking about public access to insurance, and price negotiations as a form of price control. The surge in coverage is actually the ability for every one on every level to make EVEN MORE MONEY than ever before. So who's against making money, and creating jobs?

Which is just another way of saying, nobody will ever go broke banking on health care, any more than a tither's church will ever go broke. And we as well, can fulfill out commitment to our moral center, and be the Good Samaritan to the world, and the source nation to which the whole world is blessed.

I also like to remind my Faith-Based Friends, that God in every religion, is a socialist dictator, and not a capitalist- sorry! Why do you think it is his prerogative to ignore your wishes and prayers and offerings? Why do you think you bow and praise and pray to him, in the first place?

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have one question to all politically minded people: When does your hardened hatred turn to being your own cancer (metaphorically)? You are so obsessed with YOUR party, that we can have no dialogue of any issue at all, without spitting hate words at leadership people you don't even really know? Where does that go? How is that productive? Wait for your orders, and do the bidding of your masters and spin doctors? Do you ever think for yourselves, because you don't seem to be able to express it? Have a single thought that wasn't placed there by someone else?

This piece is a public letter about my disappointment. It's not intended to offend anyone. It's reflective. Some of you will oddly even find glee in my words. I'm just feeling a bit melancholy tonight, about my loss of friends and family to a few idiots, who are just gaming them. They don't love them, yet they demand some strange loyalty from them? It's an obsession like a cult.

Some of you don't seem to understand that "cult" is not the short form of "occult". And it's not- go look them up! Devotion to a master, is frequently cult like behaviour is all- particularly when it pulls you away from family and friends.

I have and had health insurance, and I still went bankrupt on medical bills. And someone just told me, there was no need at all for reform, it's just bullshit. The system is perfect. There is no question mark on that on purpose. I know they don't know just how painful bankruptcy is.

Infant Mortality Somehow this doesn't embarrass you- it's just bullshit?

Tort reform passed making harder for YOU to sue your doctor, or insurance company. "Show of hands of how many of you saw a drop in your insurance because of it?"; was recently asked at a town hall meeting, which nobody raised their hands on.

Medical expenses out pace EVERYTHING in growth, but there's no problem?

Your health insurance company should be suffering along with the rest of the economy, you would think? Your doctor is! Maybe you should check your insurance companies profits for the last year?

A little scepticism is healthy. Cynicism of EVERYTHING is a thing called paranoia, and it is not healthy at all! Honestly, do you ever disagree with your party? Are you really living in the Magic Kingdom, where it's sunshine and lollipops all the time? Really? While stewing in hatred in particular for villains?

What are you teaching your children with your lack of respect for all others, and the name calling? You want somebody to talk about you that way?

I give up, enjoy your perfect world. Really!

Nobody is talking about Mental Health Reform, and I think we need that even more?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Health crisis

The only one's going to loose from Health Care Reform, are health insurance companies, who currently make all the rules as they go along. But they aren't even going too loose much! Look, they give you a contract that comes in a book thick enough to be a phone book, that a Supreme Court Justice can't figure out. Not even doctors like insurance companies: Even my Republican Cardiologist tells me that! So why are you on THEIR SIDE, again?

Living Wills are to enforce your wishes about care when you can't speak for yourself. That's not a death warrant, you can make it clear, you want heroic steps taken to preserve your life, if you wish! It makes it clear, exactly what your wishes are about life, and now how is that a bad thing? Not your family's wishes, or your spouse, your wishes about care, treatment, and even death. They are very complex documents to setup, and some one wanted to help you do it, by having the government pay for the attorney. It's not to make you decide how to die, because your somehow worthless! And that's why the "death panel" remark pisses me off, it's not just spin. It's the kind of sellout I expect from you know who, and her whoring for Wall Street.

When it comes to health care reform, I haven't got a lot of faith in our government. They are still owned by Wall Street, and don't kid yourself! Voting Democrat did not change that! Those who are concerned about Government Sponsored Boob Jobs, and Sex Changes, and stuff, are humorous at best. What do you think Government Quality Boobs would look like? Go ahead, write your own punch line, I dare you! You could go in for a sex change and come out an ostrich instead. Come on lets get real, that's what the insurance companies would be competing with, so how do they loose?

What they don't like is the idea of less profit, but the free ride is over!!! They've behaved badly, and now they're going to have to pay a price. Which with this Congress means all of a slap on the wrist and promise not to do it any more, with your fingers crossed behind your back.

First Single Payer fell- not an option. Now the Public Option might fall. I'm already MRMIP (it's Government Supplemented by California), and that's just more of the same old shit, that is intended to barely keep you alive! Now, you can get insurance that covers you for million dollars lifetime, but I can't. I'm sick, so I can only get $100k- LIFETIME, which isn't much! A driver runs me over at the post office and it's $600k, but I can't insure myself for that at all? My cancer can wipe out what I've got in a year, so I need a safety net!

Which means with your opposition and shouting, you've signing my death warrant. And you wonder why I take it personal? Because your afraid of government boobs, profiteers, Nazis, death panels, DMV lines, and spin and lies!? Bankrupting your insurance company is hilarious (remember what we did for AIG). Unbelievable, if I wasn't such a sceptic to begin with, I'd sure be one now. This is starting to look like the sameo sameo thing, all over again. What a nightmare!

Democrats, hang your heads in shame, you're the same old spineless jelly fish, you've always been. Get back in the water and sting! What change I can believe in? Prove this nasty old sceptic wrong- PLEASE!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Death Squads- how low will they go?

The far right wing doesn't want death of the health care reform, they want the death of the President! Comparing health care to Nazi's is just wrong! Very wrong! There are things that never should be said out loud, much less to the public on radio. You don't yell fire in a crowd, and you don't call Social Moderates Nazis- EVER!

This is always my fight, but you need to make it yours, and shut this shit up! It frequently as not backfires on those who insight it. Glen Beck thinks it's funny to joke about killing Pelosi. That's not even a little bit funny, on any level! The guy wants you to take up arms against your own government, and you don't think he's dangerous? He couldn't be more wrong and stupid at the same time!!!

In California we don't joke about such things, ever! We remember Harvey Milk and George Moscone. You need to do your home work, I'll bet? Particularly with San Fransisco politicans. Wiki them- this is nothing to joke about!

Now Palin has to dig in, telling you that Obama is organizing death squads, to kill old people and her kids! That's not the Public Option or what Living Wills are about- those are words to insight hatred. Not to kill a bill, but to kill people!

No matter the slant of your own politics. A threat, no matter how vealed, must be taken seriously. Words that insight hatred, fuel anger, can not be tolerated at all! That's not debate, that's not the American way, it's anarchy! And loose canons do more damage to their own.

This hate speech can not be tolerated. There are no Nazis, and no death squads in health care reform. You need to speak out, I've already done my part for this debate. But I've never suggested killing an opponent, and never would! Stop the madness- you have a voice, use it!

The party acting just like Nazis is not the Democratic Party, it's the one fanning the flames of hatred and racism. Palin, Beck, and Limbaugh are the big three I never intended to talk about on this blog- but when they're fueling hatred, it can't be avoided. Hate speech is hate speech, it's not entertainment or politics- it's hatred! And it must stop!

"Oops, I didn't mean that!"- is not acceptable in the end, when you did mean it. The careers of coaches have ended over much smaller racist attitudes, so why are these guys exempt? They're dangerous, flash backs to worse times in our history. Guys holding congressmen hanged in effigy is not debate about health care reform! End this, by speaking out, or we'll all regret it, when someone gets hurt- is the sad truth.

There isn't that much difference between Conservatives and Liberals in America. But some people want you to think it's total war- and they've gone too far with Nazi Death Squad claims! Hear my voice if you hear no other; STOP IT!

Oh, pardon me; Death Panel, that's different then isn't it?

Pizza dough (again)

I got news for Scientology, that empty feeling we all feel is called hunger. Have a pizza!

The difference between Bread, and Pizza Crust, is really moisture control. Breads are drier, and therefore less flexible. Pizza is wet and springy. So how do you convert a good or favourite bread recipe into a pizza recipe? There are couple of tricks to it.

Add more water or milk. It's that simple! But don't add too much. For example even a tablespoon difference can make great pizza crust. If your recipe calls for a 1 1/4 cups of water, you might change that by adding just an ounce more, to be 11 oz (+2tbl) instead of 10 oz. Moisture control is what makes a great loaf bread, a great loaf of bread, but this pizza, it's far more forgiving, and easier to control with higher moisture.

That wet dough is very, very sticky, so use that old trick of putting it down on corn meal, on top of your peal (pizza paddle). I use a wooden peal to drop the pizzas into the oven, and a metal one to take them out. And use a pizza stone for those awesome toasted crusts. It takes 20 minutes for a pizza shop to make a pizza, but it's just 10 minutes in the oven!!! There's your clue not to over cook the thing, they're done in an instant, when it's not frozen. I like mine to bake at 420 for about 12 minutes- reason I like so long? Harder bake on the crust, and less stringy (browned) cheese, 14 minutes and it's burnt pizza, so set that timer!

The type of dough, makes your topping taste different, which I'm sure most of you just filed under 'well duh'. The more whole wheat there is, the sweeter your pizza will taste. The more rye, the more pungent. If you want a crust that is very thin and chewy, you want higher glutton. You want thick, but flaky, you want almost no glutton, so you might want to kneed it by hand.

With a home made pizza like my favourite is rye bread, it's a good idea to increase sour flavours like using sharp cheddar cheese. The more whole wheats, the more mushrooms, is one of my rules.

With pizza, because of all the carbs, it's like sitting down a giant bowl of CANDY for dinner. So, no more than two pieces, no matter how GOOD it tastes!!! You know to use low fat cheeses, still your going to take in a lot of that too with meats and sausages. So always have salad to help push that through you, and curb that appetite some, eat as much salad as you need. Take your Lipitor the day before and after! And the day after eat some oatmeal for breakfast, to help your digestive system push it all through. Oatmeal is a great cleaner for your Colon, it really is.

Uncork the red wine- never the white for pizza! Red Wines contains fat busters, and anti-aging goodies, that allow the French to eat all that real butter! Sorry but red wine is health food, more than most of the crap they say you should eat. But listen to the advice of Pete Townshend: A little is enough! Two slices of pizza, and two glasses of red wine!

There are all the secrets to indulgent and yet healthy living. Sorry Scientology, I don't have that empty feeling inside. But some would say I'm full of shit, too. Which isn't all that far from the truth either, so I eat my oats. If you're feeling empty inside, I still recommend pizza over religion- it costs less.

Now hit those labels on the bottom of this post, and you can read my rye bread pizza recipe, along with this one.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Promo Code 'Economy Stinks'

Recently, doing some online shopping, this was a REAL PROMO CODE I ran into, and I guess it says it all? The economy stinks! And even Barrack Obama was greatly surprised to read that the recession is over, this month- for who?

I don't know whether you've seen the latest cover of Newsweek magazine on the rack at the grocery store, but the cover says, "The Recession is Over." Now, I imagine that you might have found the news a little startling. (Laughter.) I know I did.

Only in Running Springs, the Squirrely Paradise of the world, does the local Tattoo and Tobacconist go out of business one month after going in business.

Only in Running Springs, the Bird Brain capital of the universe, does the local Pawn Shop go out of business 6 months after going in business, in a recession.

I fully admit, that I wasn't unhappy to see either of these go bankrupt. They really don't reflect well upon this sleepy conservative village. And apparently the Tree Huggers agree with me.

Still though, I see yet another new owner of the rib joint that just keeps failing, and failing.

There is a recession on Gambling, Pornography, Beer. Apparently the only thing people really want is a new economy car?!! Guess there tired of being _____ by vices? Come on congress, extend the Cash for Clunkers program.

Why, because I want to save the Earth. So that someday it can cause our mass extinction, just for the amusement of ET, and our surviving robots. That will be so funny!

Hillary is in Africa, so Bill wasted no time in jumping aboard a plane to Asia, to pick up chics! All joking aside here for a minute; Good work, Bill! Real good work! And welcome home Laura Ling, and Euna Lee! What do you mean they brought Bill back with them? What kind of a trade is that? This wasn't a clunkers deal?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August BREAK!

Safe sex, Congressmen!
Please, don't forget your sunscreen or passports, or you wont get back in the country!
See you in the fall?
Why isn't there MTV Congressional August Break House? We know, they know how to party!

Most of them will not be HOME with you, this time. They will be out of the country, so they can distance themselves from the mounds of bullshit they will be throwing at you for the next month, to kill Health Care REFORM. You've never seen mega-neutron-bullshit bombs like this EVER before- get your gas-masks ready. And I'll remind you; your seat cushion can be used as a floatation device. Even the strongest swimmers will find it a challenge to escape this under current.

Congressmen: Please bring extra police to stop all that shouting. It's called disorderly conduct, and trespassing. Quite well established law. Why is this hard to stop, anyway? This nation was founded by thugs. The Republicans and Insurance Industry haven't discovered anything new here. They were against Social Security. They were against Medicare. And being consistent, they are against the Public Option. Just how many times can you be on the wrong side of history? Tells me everything I need to know!

Lewis; If you don't support the Option, retire! I want to see you go against the party on this one. You're man enough. Be on the right side of history, already! And I might even back off?

President Obama's Townhall in Raleigh, North Carolina (7/29/09)

If you hate the President, and avoid him as much as you can; You're missing the genius of a man that can really work a room like a Reagan could.

I wanted to share this with you because there are few questions here, that are quite surprisingly complex. Yet, without any notes, or anyone jabbering in his ear, or a change of subject, he answers them directly. Which tells you a lot about him knowing his topics inside and out.

I marveled as I watched this live on CNN. He totally MADE HIS CASE on health care. And that night; the Evening News would rather cover the sound bite of seeds of fear spread by the FAR right wing.

And people wonder why he's not making his case? He is, just nobody is reporting it to you!

Transcript (in his own words):
President Obama's Townhall in Raleigh, North Carolina

Shared via AddThis

He starts this Town Hall talking the economy, and about what is and is not in the recovery programs.
the Recovery Program Dollars

On the Recovery Act:
"One-third of the entire Recovery Act is for tax relief for you, for families and small businesses -- one-third of it. (Applause.) Ninety-five percent of you got a tax cut. You may not notice it -- (laughter) -- because it's appearing in your paycheck on a weekly -- every time you get a paycheck, as opposed to you getting a lump sum. Because it turned out that by spreading it out, it had more of a potential to stimulate the economy. That's what the economists advised us to do. But a third of it is going to tax breaks, to individuals and small businesses. That's money in your pocket to buy cupcakes and other necessities of life. (Laughter.)"
"Another third of the money in the Recovery Act is for emergency relief that is helping folks who've borne the brunt of this recession. For Americans who were laid off, we expanded unemployment benefits -- a measure that's already made a difference for 12 million Americans. (Applause.) So we extended unemployment insurance; that's made a difference in 12 million Americans, including 300,000 folks here in North Carolina who would have been cut off from unemployment insurance if we hadn't extended it. (Applause.)"
"All right, so this brings us to the last third -- and this is where the critics will say, okay, well maybe we agree with the tax cuts, maybe we agree with the assistance to the states and individuals, but what about that last third, all those investments? Well, you know what, we decided that the last third should be for short-term and long-term investments that are putting people back to work, and build a stronger economy for the future. (Applause.)"
"So just remember, if somebody asks you about the stimulus or the recovery: one-third of it is in your pocket in tax cuts; one-third of it is unemployment insurance relief, help on COBRA, and making sure that states don't have to make cuts that would make things worse; one-third of it, investments in roads and bridges, putting people back to work. So it will take time to achieve a complete recovery. We're not going to rest until anyone who's looking for work can find a job. (Applause.) But there should be little debate that the steps we took, taken together, have helped stop our economic freefall."

I'm not exactly understanding why Republicans ('tea baggers' in particular) of all people, are not enjoying tax cuts, that are really effecting their pay checks? As compared to W's who's only effected CEO's and Pro Athlete's pay?

I do want you to read the whole transcript for yourself! I'm just picking a highlight or two that should have been on the evening News, and weren't. This blog is Social Commentary, so I'm picking an choosing to make my own points, about the bull shit out there.

On Health Care:
"First of all, nobody is talking about some government takeover of health care. I'm tired of hearing that. (Applause.) I have been as clear as I can be. Under the reform I've proposed, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan. These folks need to stop scaring everybody. (Applause.) Nobody is talking about you forcing -- to have to change your plans."
"Let me be specific. We will stop insurance companies from denying you coverage because of your medical history. (Applause.) I've told this story before -- I will never forget watching my own mother, as she fought cancer in her final days, worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a preexisting condition so they could wiggle out of paying for her coverage. How many of you have worried about the same thing? (Applause.) A lot of people have gone through this. Many of you have been denied insurance or heard of someone who was denied insurance because they got -- had a preexisting condition. That will no longer be allowed with reform. (Applause.) We won't allow that. (Applause.) We won't allow that."

I need to interject here, that now CONSERVATIVES think "Obama is a secret RACIEST!" Ah guys? Did you notice his mother and grand parents that raised him were WHITE? He knows both worlds, and knows good people are in both! And isn't fooled by those who preach the hardest, against their own sins. There's the oldest problem of man kind! Without the mirror in the bird cage, the Republicans just don't seem to have anyone to attack.

But then again; Maybe that explains why he hates old people- that he wants to force them choose how to die? Where did that one come from? That's even crazier than Glen Beck- which I hardly find possible.

(back) On Health Care:
"I want everybody to understand this. If we do nothing, I can almost guarantee you your premiums will double over the next 10 years because that's what they did over the last 10 years. It will go up three times faster than your wages, so a bigger and bigger chunk of your paycheck will be going into health insurance. It will eat into the possibility of you getting a raise on your job because your employer is going to be looking and saying, I can't afford to give you a raise because my health care costs just went up 10, 20, 30 percent. And Medicare, which seniors rely on, is going to become more and more vulnerable. On current projections, Medicare will be in the red in less than 10 years.

So that's the status quo. When everybody goes around saying, why is Obama taking on health care -- that's the answer. That's one option. I don't like that option. You shouldn't either. (Applause.) That plan doesn't sound too good. That's the health care system we have right now."

Why you need to read THIS transcript!

Questions Asked of President Obama:
"Q As the wife of a family physician, we see people not only coming into that specialty less and less often, but also leaving that specialty because it's so, so hard as a young family to make that work -- long hours, not great reimbursement, not great pay, with huge amounts of debt when you come out of medical school. So what are you thinking of to entice more people to come into that speciality? Because you can insure every person in America and if there's not a physician there to see that person you still don't have health care. So what are you going to do to entice people to come -- (applause.)"
"Q Thank you, Mr. President. My brother is -- he has a family of four and two children. His daughter is a disabled child -- MS -- and he receives Medicaid. He managed -- he works a job -- he managed to save $3,000, and at this point Medicaid stopped all benefits helping him. And I want to know, does your health care plan include reforms for the Medicaid system and these kind of injustices? (Applause.)"
"Q...What current long-term social program created and run by the government should we look to as a model of success and one that we as taxpayers should be confident that a new government-run health care system would be better than the current system in place? In other words, what are you going to do differently?"
"Q Sorry, you do say that we know Medicare has this problem, that they're paying for readmittance. Why don't we reform that now? That's a government program. Why are we allowing that?"
"Q Thank you very much, Mr. President. My name is Bill Purcell. I'm one of those primary care doctors you were talking about, a pediatrician. I also have a little job in the North Carolina Senate. (Laughter.) But I can see in my practice a patient and make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the right medicine, but if a patient can't afford the medicine, they don't get treatment. What can we do about the high cost of prescription drugs in America? (Applause.)"
"Q...So my question is, I believe that most average Americans are for the health reform, but they are afraid of change. So what -- what would you say to the average American, what do you believe the impact or the cost impact is for the average person that needs health care?"
"Q This is more a political question than a technical question. I wondered -- I hear a lot, especially the opposition, complaining that they don't have time to read these thousands of pages in your health care plan. And I was wondering, on the one hand, we've been in this -- all this has existed for a long time; what difference does a couple of months, so we allow them to read it? And we just, you know, we just don't hear that anymore."

I'm sure not going to tell you everything the President said. I'm sure your starting fade already. But, see what you missed, watching Fox News? You can read the whole transcript for yourself, if you really want to know. I know it's no fun, but it's very enlightening! And some of you still dare to say; "He's not making his case!" No sorry, it's more like a whole lot of people don't want you to hear it. Including the Companies who pay for most of the NEWS SHOWS!

Have you ever seen a news show without a boner pill ad, or an ahfuc ad, or some good hands on your wallet? I smell a conflict of interest.