I'm not concerned about Wall Street and the Heath Insurance companies. They will change their business models, and find a way to make even more money than before, backing up any Government Take Over of health care! Trust me, they are a SUPER POWER as a lobby on Capital Hill. So I'm just totally mystified why you trust THEM? The guys that turn down desperate people wanting "EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENTS", cancel policies whenever they can for anyone that gets sick. Reduce coverage to barely being a discount- and now want you to pay 35% or more, just so they can make even bigger profits. And you somehow think the Government is WORSE??? Are you kidding me?
There is this thing in all insurance all over the world, called RE-INSURANCE! Where risks are spread across many companies. So that local catastrophes don't bankrupt the whole system, and cause a domino collapse. That's the whole reason we bailed out AIG. And you think Government Insurance is going to be a GO IT ALONE proposition, using DEATH PANELS to control costs? Hardly!
Nobody is talking about Socializing Medicine!! Your doctor and hospital and pharmacies will remain independent contractors. Oh, they are going to have tantrums over cost controls, you can count on that. But we're not trying to dive into the deep end, and socializing the whole thing. We are talking about your options, and letting you shop for what is best for you! While Insurance companies figure out their new business model, and the most profitable cherry things to offer to keep you private and not public.
How can having more options for you, be bad for America?
The trouble with insurance to begin with, is that it has no quality assurance, or cost control. Have you seen REAL INSURANCE BILLS and profit statements? They are making more and more money, willing to pay 1/2 a billion dollar fines, and judgements, because they are still making huge profits, at your personal expense!!! They have found the way to being Untouchable. You pay $400 out of your pay check, and your employer pays $1200, and you wonder where your pay raise went, and why your employer is cutting back benefits?
This system is broken! The Public Option is the cure. Nothing less will do. And your insurance company is not going to suffer, most likely they will be your Re-insurer, instead.
The people I'm pissed off with in this fight are the Democrats, not the Republicans. I expect the Republican's to whore themselves for the Insurance Industry, particularly being the minority party. They are irrelevant, and they know it! But backlash from the Democrats on this issue is in tolerable. You got your jobs because we sick of the Wall Street First influence! We DEMAND OUR HUMAN RIGHTS! And as the RICHEST NATION on earth, WE CAN DO BETTER! And you had better step up to the plate, face your fears, because we are watching and taking names of who is not going to be there in two years!
I am as pissed off as I can be with a President that claims he's our change candidate, that is showing signs of being a total pushover with no spine! If you have no heart for the battle, you have no business in that office. You better learn what to have a blood lust about, and what to draw a hard line about. Your mandate is clear, and we expect you to preform on your promises, and not be more of the same Bull SHIT we've been wading through, generation after generation.
Slavery is not dead in America! What do think the whole illegal immigration issue really is? What do you think Off-shoring is all about? Your being bought and sold, Black, White, Asian, or Hispanic. Union busting is about nothing more than that. You'd better wake up, and be ready to defend all that is yours! Your at war with extremists on Wall Street as well as those other guys over seas. How can you stay on top, when you produce nothing of value, and treat humans as expendable?
It is a morality issue!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
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