Sunday, August 2, 2009

August BREAK!

Safe sex, Congressmen!
Please, don't forget your sunscreen or passports, or you wont get back in the country!
See you in the fall?
Why isn't there MTV Congressional August Break House? We know, they know how to party!

Most of them will not be HOME with you, this time. They will be out of the country, so they can distance themselves from the mounds of bullshit they will be throwing at you for the next month, to kill Health Care REFORM. You've never seen mega-neutron-bullshit bombs like this EVER before- get your gas-masks ready. And I'll remind you; your seat cushion can be used as a floatation device. Even the strongest swimmers will find it a challenge to escape this under current.

Congressmen: Please bring extra police to stop all that shouting. It's called disorderly conduct, and trespassing. Quite well established law. Why is this hard to stop, anyway? This nation was founded by thugs. The Republicans and Insurance Industry haven't discovered anything new here. They were against Social Security. They were against Medicare. And being consistent, they are against the Public Option. Just how many times can you be on the wrong side of history? Tells me everything I need to know!

Lewis; If you don't support the Option, retire! I want to see you go against the party on this one. You're man enough. Be on the right side of history, already! And I might even back off?

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