Friday, September 18, 2009

Playing the race card!

I did not support Hillary BECAUSE, I played the RACE CARD on you!
I knew, you KNEW, how to beat the bitch!
I KNEW, your shadow war, against all minorities would become a major issue with Obama. I had no idea, that both sides would find so many Black Pundits, and Leaders though, to take forefront on the cable-debates, and politics shows. However, that said, I'm enjoying most of them as a breath of fresh air- even though, the righties are generally reading the talking points only.
When you find Lilly white women wearing Tea Party T-shirts, complaining that; THEY WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK. Come on, we know what they really mean.
Comparing Obama to Hitler is over the line.
Or to the Joker from Batman!
Or comparing him to a chimpanzee. Well over that racist line!

NOT ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE RACISTS! To those of you who aren't, you need to speak up, and straiten your party out. IT TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE! If your going to win elections ever again, you must get your house in order. Which means casting off the Becks and Dittos!

It just funny that two years later, you finally figured out the race card we played. When I've been very very clear about it the whole time. You played the card in a shadow game to win votes, and we played it back with a great candidate. And someone we hope will be quite successful. Welcome to politics!

I don't mind conservatives picking a fight, but pick the right ones. Emissions caps for example. I don't see how you can do it? We don't have the technology to do away with all the coal we burn for electricity, it's not there. PICK THE RIGHT (pun intended) FIGHTS!

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